20 | Lips

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I had completely forgotten I made plans with Luke today, and when he came over just an hour before I told Ashton to come over, it caught me off guard.

I didn't expect it, but I got these new found set of nerves around Luke, and he seemed to have the same kind. It was more like a tension if anything, a tension I couldn't describe.

We sat in my room, watching some reality TV show. Although we had done this thousands of times before, it seemed like the first time.

"So..." Luke began, looking at me, "have you and Ashton made up yet?"

"Yeah," I chuckled, looking at my hands.

"That's cool." Luke tried to create a good conversation, but it was no use. We continued sitting in an awkward silence before Luke stood suddenly.

"Fúck," he growled, throwing the pillow he was holding down on the bed, "I knew it, Leah. I blew it. It's never going to be the same again, and it's all my fault."

My eyes flashed with worry, and I stood, grabbing his hands and looking straight into his eyes, "Luke you didn't blow it, I-I have had trouble coming to terms with my feelings too. I think I like you too."

Luke's face didn't light up like I expected him too, instead it almost darkened, "Don't say that just to make me feel better. It's not something to just throw around."

"Luke, I'm not." I quickly protested, "That's the reason Ashton didn't ask me to be his girlfriend last night. He knew I still had some pent up feelings for you."

Luke looked at me for a long time, slowly bringing his hands to cup my face, "You're so beautiful, Leah. No matter what happens, who you end up with, I want you to know that." I gave a soft nod as my head was encapsulated by his hands.

We continued looking into each others eyes for a long moment before Luke sighed, "I need to stop getting the urge to kiss you."


"Because you have Ashton." He continued fiddling with his lip ring, something he always did when he was hesitant.

"Please don't think about him. I want you, Luke."

"No you don't." He said in a voice that was barely audible. I frowned. Why was he holding back so much? Sure, we had so much history, but didn't that didn't mean that this shouldn't happen.

His hands still held my fave so close, and his cold breath mingled with mine. I just wanted a clear answer, why couldn't he give me one? We obviously wanted this to happen, just like I wanted something with Ashton to happen.

All my life the answer stood right in front of me and everything was so clear. But now, it's like everything was blurring up. I've never been told to follow my dreams, but now I had to and I had multiple dreams. And I had no clue what to follow.

"What do you want to happen, Leah?" He asked, almost if reading my mind.

I didn't answer, instead meeting his lips. I found myself beginning to love the feeling of Luke's lips, along with his cold lip ring. I didn't want to let him go.

"Just friends my àss." I heard a voice from the door and quickly jumped off Luke, my eyes meeting with the familiar green eyes I've began to love.

"Shìt." Luke murmured from beside me, looking at me with an alarmed expression.

"Ash- hey- it's not what it looks like-"

"Then what is it?" Ashton had a bitterness in his voice that I hadn't heard ever, much less directed towards me. His green eyes glared into mine, making my stomach drop. I stood, walking over to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't remember you were coming-"

"Don't even start, Leah. I saw what happened just now with Luke. You're fúcking playing me and I'm done with it." He basically sneered, folding his arms.

"I really like you I just-"

"Like him more. Yeah nice try, I'm done with this stupid project." He looked at Luke, back at me, and stormed out of the room.

I ran down the stairs after Ashton, but by the time I finally caught up to him he was already driving away. "Shìt, I'm sorry Leah." I heard a voice behind me.

"It's not your fault." I sighed, looking at the pavement under my bare feet, "I'm going to try to call him." I sat on my driveway, pulling out my phone and typing in Ashton's name in my contacts.

I pressed the call button, immediately going straight to voicemail, "He didn't answer." I mumbled to myself, pressing the call button again. It rang for a second, then again went straight to voicemail. I let out a frustrated groan, sprawling out on the pavement.

I felt Luke sit down next to me and let out a small sigh, "Im sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

"Leah," he said sternly, looking at me, "I know you like him in a romantic way. You like me in a 'we've been best friends for ten years and I've never kissed you until recently and I also really like the taste of your lips and have a lot of hormones' way."

I rolled my eyes, looking back at the house across from me.

But thinking back to what Luke said, he wasn't wrong. I had been attracted to Ashton ever since I laid my eyes on him which has never happened to me with a guy. I had all this romantic frustration within me and let it out on Luke. When it came down to it, however, Ashton still held all the attraction.

"Luke, do you know what love is?"

Luke looked at me for a second, then back at the street, "No."

"I don't either. But I want to. I want to be so deep in love with someone that no one could ever break that bond, but I don't even know what love is."

Luke sighed as I sat up and leaned my head against his shoulder, "Just don't push it, you'll find out when the time comes." He sighed again, playing with a piece of my hair.

I bit my lip, "Ashton just seems like the kind of person thats always lost in love and I thought when he said it to me he meant it. And I thought I meant it too."

"Wait," Luke spun towards me abruptly, "He told you he loved you?"

I nodded with a confused expression, "That's why he came back to Seattle. For me. Then he told me last night that we didn't really mean it and we're just caught in the moment. So were just friends."

"That àsshole," Luke growled, relaxing again.

"I still like him, Luke. I still want to be with him."

"Then do it. I can help you."


Luke cracked a devilish grin,"It's easy. We make him jealous."

A/N: the possibilities that could happen with this story are endless (brb I'm crying but smh Luke))))

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