35 | Trust

53 7 2

"Hey, sweetheart." Ashton came up from behind be, wrapping his arms around my waist. I let out a small giggle, falling into Ashton.

"Hey Ash. So you decided to come today?" I chuckled out as the final bell rang and Ashton let go of me, leading us to our seats.

"Why wouldn't I?" He grinned, our fingers still interlocked as we sat. I shrugged in reply, looking over at Mr. James who began his lecture that I was pretty sure he used a couple months ago because it was already in my notes.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I heard a soft whisper behind me and both Ashton and I turned to face a girl. She looked vaguely familiar, I had probably seen her around school. She was a short, cute girl with piercing green eyes just like Ashton. Her hair was a color that was almost identical to dark chocolate and was stuck straight and reached down to her shoulder. If anything, the most prominent feature about her was her small nose, that had a nose ring on it.

"Anna!" I studied Ashton's face as it lit up and his eyes glowed in admiration.

"Hey Ash." She giggled, taking a seat on the other side of him, "And you must be Leah, his photography partner." She beamed at me, holding out her hand, "I'm Annabel Sawyer, or just Anna if you prefer. Nice to meet you."

I took her hand, giving her a suspicious smile, "Im Leah Carter."

Ashton shot me a confused look as Mr. James finally finished his lecture and dismissed the class. I shrugged and Ashton sighed, standing from his chair. "So, to the park?" He asked, mainly towards Anna.

She nodded, standing as they walked out together, cracking jokes about photography and I followed close behind. It had only been around 15 minutes, but Anna was starting to get on my nerves. She practically seemed perfect for Ashton. On the ride to the park, she took shotgun and it turns out they had practically the same music taste.

The park was very special to me. Out of everything in this damned town, this was the only thing that has any significance to me. Looking at it seems a little dull, because all thats there is crazy rolling hills with a few benches and trees littered here and there. But this park was special to many people, and you wouldn't understand if you weren't one of those people.

And Anna definitely wasn't one of those people. "Oh, Ash, this place looks nice, but is is really good for a photography project about love?" She spoke at Ashton in her annoying little voice.

"Um, I don't know-" Ashton started but I cut him off.

"Of course it is. This place holds so much valuable meaning, anyone in this area knows it." I commented, folding my arms as I instantly met the angry face of Ashton and the offended face of Anna.

"Anna just moved into this town, don't attack her. God, Leah." Ashton groaned, turning off his truck and hopping out. Anna shot me a mock-smile before following him.

I absolutely hated this girl.

I got out and shut Ashton's car door. Ashton and Anna were already walking up the hill together and I had to run to catch up to them. I recognized the path Ashton was taking us, or more like just her, down. It was the one he took me that one day we got in a fight.

"So yeah, that sounds like a good idea. And not like in a collage, maybe separate photos. It's more unique." I heard Ashton exclaim from in front of me.

"Are we talking about the project?" I piped up, and Ashton and Anna again turned to look at me like I was a foreign object.

"Yeah." Anna started, glancing at Ashton, "We were thinking of shooting places that have like, a meaning of love to people. This was Ashton's first idea."

I caught Ashton's eye for a second, but he looked back down at his feet, "Well," I began, drifting my eyes back to Anna, "Maybe we can get a shot of Ashton and I with the big oak tree or something?" I suggested and Anna's face contorted into a confused look.

"Why would we do that? It's not like we can be a picture of love." Ashton mumbled, his eyes still focused on his shoes. My jaw nearly dropped. Did he really just say that?

"What?" I asked, and I was certain Ashton felt my hard glare. The thing was, I was almost positive he only said that because Anna was around, and I wasn't happy about it. "Um, Ashton, can I talk to you in private for a second?"

Without waiting for an answer, I grabbed Ashton's wrist and dragged him a few yards away from where Anna stood. "What the hell?" He hissed, eyes scrunched in anger.

"No, what the hell to you, Irwin. Did you just say you didn't love me anymore?" I asked, staring at him intently.

"Of course not, Leah, I love you so much just," he broke off letting out a sigh as I folded my arms, "Look, I just met Anna and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, you know, like a third wheel?"

"Uncomfortable? She doesn't even know we're dating. Would if she tries to make a move on you or something?" I asked, a worried tone taking over me that I couldn't control.

A smirk slid onto Ashton's face and he folded his arms, mocking my stance, "Are you jealous of my chemistry partner, sweetheart?"

It was my turn to be at a loss of words. I opened my mouth and shut it, meeting the knowing gaze of Ashton, "Look, Ash..." I stopped, looking at my feet, "I know you are an amazing person. And I know we only just started dating, but everything is kind of freaking me out right now. Your ex girlfriends talked to me about your cheating habits today, and I just don't want that to happen to me. I love you too much to let you go."

"Awe baby," Ashton cooed wrapping me in a hug, "You know I would never cheat on you. I only cheated on Courtney because I wanted to be with you. I never even cheated on Casey. I know you're having a hard time with Luke's move, but keep in mind those girls hate you, and they'd do anything to see our relationship crash and burn. Don't listen to them."

I sighed, leaning into Ashton's chest, "You're right. I'm sorry Ash."

Ashton chuckled, pulling away from me and giving a peck on my lips, "Don't be sorry, Lee, I know I tend to be a little too friendly with some people. But I promise there's nothing going on between Anna and I.

I nodded, smiling, "I believe you, Ash."

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