Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first Book so please if it's bad tell me!
-----------------------------------Stiles P.O.V

I woke up groggy, my eyes full of sleep from the late night before.

My eyes drifted across my room, blue walls and bland décor. And a sudden thought rushed my mind, its 8:45 and I have school in half an hour. So I trudged from my bed for a quick, cold shower.

Now dressed, I made my way through the house; to the common realisation that my dad's at work. Being the sheriffs' son and getting into as much shit as I do is really quite ideal; I've never been busted but having an almost non-existent father kind of sucks.

I fumble for my keys when I almost die of a freaking heart attack.

"Stiles!" I heard a familiar voice, "Scott!" I retorted in sarcasm.

"We need to go ASAP!" I heard him say, "Well you know I was about to, before you tried to kill me!" I said as we stood beside my metallic, powder blue Jeep. I received a hearty stink eye from him.

The drive to school was a quite one, as I look over to see Scott finishing last night's homework.

The car came to an abrupt holt, I hit the parking space stopper with a big ka-thunk, I was stink eyed again.

I walk in the door to find no other than the selfish asshole known as Jackson, I mean could you get anymore full of yourself mate?

Unfortunately, talking to my one true love. Lydia Martin. A beautiful, sexy, strong, strawberry blonde girl whom I have liked since kindergarten.

It's sad really knowing I have no hope whatsoever of her actually noticing, let alone liking me but oh well one can only hope.

I'm broken from my thoughts by the most of hideous creatures, Isaac. "Stiles.....Stiles STILINSKI?" he shouted.

"What?", "Are you gonna answer Mr. Yakimura's question or what?".
"Sorry what was the question sir?" I ask, "You weren't paying attention were you Stiles?",
"No Sir, sorry." I look down at my page, all these words revolving around the Civil War.

I gave Iz a thorough stink eye.

Isaac's alright, he's one of my best mates actually.

What am I doing, god I need to clear my head.

I grab my backpack, and force my books into it. I know you're not supposed to leave class, but I couldn't take it anymore I needed to clear my mind.

I wonder out the school doors, then within a matter of seconds the school gate. I started walking, to a destination. One of which I had no clue, but I knew I was going some where.

The time seemed to fly by so quickly, what was a clear morning in Beacon Hills turned out to be a gloomy afternoon by the time I stumbled upon my so thought destination.

I looked up a hill, covered in thousands of leaves. Dead ones. As I came to the realisation that it was The Hale house I almost had my third heart attack for the day. But before I could bolt, my body moved closer to the house unresponsive to my dreading thoughts, ignoring them completely.

I peered through the charred remains of an open door way, clearly able to see through to the back porch. SCOTT! What the HELL was he doing here, at the Hale House. WITH DEREK! WTF!

I saw them talking, Derek saw me out of his peripherals. "Shit!" I mumbled.

I started running. So fast but by the time I could barely make it a few steps someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around fiercely. "DEREK?"
"Stilinski?, What the hell do you think you are doing?" He snarled.

I observed the stealthy scowl for a few seconds before answering. There's something about those perfect green eyes that just blows me away.

"Wait, your asking me? What I was doing?", "Yes, dumbass."
"Well first I was at school then I started walking, like walking for a long ass time. And then poof I end up here?", "Why would you ever think I know what I'm doing?".

"You're a delinquent you know?" he said,

"Maybe, don't be such a sour wolf, you never know maybe I came to kill you or something."

Then I received my third stink eye with a side of growl. I mean would you like any claws with that, you know what about some fangs.

I decided not to test his patience for the simple fact that he could kill me with one swipe and Stiles isn't ready to die, are you Stiles. No, no you are not.

He let me go with an almost shove, I started walking home when, "Stilinski, wanna ride?" Derek sounded softer than his hard normal self. I nodded furiously, knowing I was far to tired to walk home myself.

An well I have equal chance of dying in both situations so why not take the easier one.

"But what about Scott?" I asked, "He already left Stiles, do you ever pay attention to anything?" I heard.

I slid into the low seat of a sleek looking black Camaro, fearing that the look of the car (exactly like Derek's personality) might kill me or something.

You never know when a crazy wolf man is gonna attack you with a knife from underneath his seat.

The ride was long I thought, silent and for the most part pleasant I guess. "So are you and Scott...friends?" I ask. "Well, yeah I guess." He says. "I thought you were just acquainted, not friends. My bad."

We arrived at my destination, my Jeep at home. Huh, I left it at school, Scott must of driven it home for me.

"We'll thanks, Derek." I said hopping out the car. " Is there any chance you wanna come inside or anything?" I ask. "Uh yeah if you don't mind."

I stood there in disbelief I was sure he was going to say no. Oh well.

I escorted him through the door way fumbling my keys like a nervous wreck, why though I couldn't give two shits what Derek thought of me. Huh, I must be stressed.

I sat my backpack on the sofa, and move to the kitchen for a cup of OJ. Damn that juice is good. "Do you want a drink or anything?" I ask. "Uh, no it's alright, thanks anyway." He said.

"What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?" I hear his husky voice ask, " Nothing at all actually." "By any chance do you want to come to our pack meeting?".

"What on earth is that?", "It's where all the wolfies meet up and discuss the super weird shit that goes on in this town, like a supernatural get together." He babbled.

"Well sure, I don't want to invade or anything." I said.
"No, No, It's no trouble," He said, "well I guess I better get going then." I heard him say. "Oh all right then, Hey thanks for the ride?" I managed.

"My pleasure sunshine." He said with a smile. Wait what! Did Derek Hale just smile for me, since when does he ever smile. What on earth is wrong with my sourwolf. WAIT WHAT! My sourwolf, man oh man I need some sleep. I went to my room, seeing his black car speed of, I lay down and quietly drifted of to sleep.

I heard the rumble of a Camaro come back up my street.

I shot up, ran to the door and opened it. "You forgot your phone in my car," he said, " I thought you might need it."

"oh my gosh, I'm so stupid." I said, " Thank you so much.

Before I had realised, Derek was standing over me in the doorway, pinning me to the doorframe in a protective manner.

"Catchya later captain smelly!" He smiled and winked.

I blew him a sarcastic kiss, saying "Bye, bye dear!" In a posh accent.

A/N: Sorry for the rough start, there more and better to come.


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