Chapter 2

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Stiles P.O.V
I woke up feeling energised, like I slept for hours. I sat up, my eyes still shut and full of gunk.

I scanned the room, only to almost shit my pants at the sight of a tall, gruff man in my room. "What the flipping FUCK?" I screamed.

"Relax Stiles it's just me." He said calmly, "Relax, how the fuck am I supposed to relax when there's... there's a Derek just creepily watching me sleep in my ROOM!" I snarled.

"I was protecting you actually, since haven't you noticed the weird shit going on around here. Like I said, I invited you to the pack meeting if you wanna come? AND THEN WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT." He said firmly.

I rose up and sat to the side of my bed, mindlessly looking at him. I stared for a while, not noticing really how long I had taken, when he gave me a confused and concerned look.

"What?" I ask, "Do I have something on me, am I a magical fairy. Is there a reason to stare Stiles?" he questioned. "Uh, no. I was just lost- "In my beautiful eyes" he chuckled sarcastically.

"No, haha. Just lost in my thoughts about what I'm gonna do today, other than the pack meeting." I said.

"Do you wanna hang at mine till the meeting? I mean we could watch a movie or something?" He asked. "Yeah, sure." I said as he led me out to his black camaro.

I left a note on the kitchen bench for my dad, not even realising how late in the day it was, almost noon.

Derek P.O.V

We slid into the black leather seats of my car, I gestured to stiles that he could change the radio station to what he liked. He nodded putting on the pop rock station.

The drive was pleasant, calm but mostly I just stared at Stiles, he just had something about him. Something I really, really liked.

We arrived at my loft within 10 minutes. I opened the door to my industrial themed apartment, there's barely anything in it. A couch, T.V, A desk My room etc etc. It was pretty bland actually.

I set my keys down on the bench and showed Stiles around, he followed me back into the lounge room and I showed him the movies. Gesturing him to pick one while I take a quick shower.
"I'll be just a few minutes." I said to him, as he nod.

I turned the water on piping hot, steam everywhere. I washed my body and hair with in the space of 5 minutes. I turned the taps of and wrapped a towel around my waist. I left the bathroom to my room when I realised my clothes had disappeared and I had heard giggles outside my room.

"Stiles give me my clothes!" I said with a slight growl. The giggles proceeded, so I followed him to the kitchen
There he was sitting on the kitchen bench with my clothes in his hands. I went to grab then when he held them right behind his shoulder so I had to lean over him to get them.

I didn't realise it at first but his soft, light lips pressed against mine. I kissed him back a little harder than he did to me. Sparks flew, cheesy as it is. My whole body tingled, every inc, ever atom. Oh my god he;s so fucking hot.

As soon as I started to get a feeling for kissing him, he pulled away giving me a cheeky smirk and handed me my clothes.

"You're a fucking tease you know?" I told him. He just chuckled as I walked off to get changed.

Stile P.O.V

OH MY FREAKING GOD, he kissed my back. I honestly thought he was going to run away from me, think I was a lunatic and never want to see me again.

I could get somewhere with this.

I set up the movie while he changed, 'Insidious'. The reviews said it was scary so why not, it sounded like an alright movie. I mean I'm all or action and chick flicks but thrillers were always my favourite, even though I was always scared. Funny I thought.

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