Chapter 3

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A/N: really really sorry for the frequent POV changes & I'm really bad at the fan fic thing so lemme know if I can improve it. Cheers - Ali

Stiles P.O.V

I woke up in Derek's arms, completely contented.

He woke and kissed my ear, I rolled over and hugged him.

"Blueberry pancakes?" I asked.

"Yeahhh." He said groggily.

"I'm taking a quick shower." I announced.

"Okay." He said as he got up and moved off to the kitchen.

I began to undress when I felt the large tough hands of Derek, slap my butt.

He spun me around kissed me then left the room.

My cheeks froze scarlet, the brightest ever.

I turned on the taps to the hottest setting possible. I stood there for a moment just conquering my thoughts.

I washed my body and everything and turned to the taps to turn them off. I stepped out pulled a town around my waist.

Someone grabbed me furiously and left me love bitten across my chest. "What are you doing?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Helping you dry yourself." He said with a deep husky laugh.

You know the joker and the 'Why so serious thing', but man why so sexy. I'm about to die here.

I still couldn't get over the fact that someone as buff, beautiful, sexy and smart as Derek would want a puny pathetic human such as me.

I was stumped, but in love.

Wait, in love, i-i-i- in love. Whoa that's a load.

I smile at the thought of a future us but then cam to the realisation I was actually standing in the middle of Ders room looking out a window.

I threw on my boxers and what ever clothes available; A pare of tracksuits from Der and a baggy shirt.

I walked out to the kitchen and the most amazing aroma filled my nose.

"Yum!" I said louder than expected. "Thank you!" I said as I moved to the dining table with a plate of blue berry pancakes.

They looked absolutely amazing, "Your welcome babe." I hear Ders voice sound.

Hehe I chuckled and pecked his lips quickly before I scarfed down the food.

It was the best breakfast I've probably had in weeks. I don't usually eat breakfast, I go and find trouble to cause most days so I don't have time to really.

I picked up my plate and Der-Bears plate and took it to the kitchen where I was about to wash up.

"You don't have to." Derek said, "I know Der, but you cooked so it's only fair if I clean." I stated.

"Like a dynamic duo." I said, "I like the sound of that Stiles." He voiced.

"So what are we Sti," he said, "what do you want us to be?" He finished.

"Well, I've liked you for quite some time now, and a relationship sounds nice," I said, "but if you don't want one its okay." I managed.

"No, no. I like you like a hell of a lot," he said "and I was wondering if want to be my night in shining armour?" he said with a chuckle.

"Yes !!!!" I almost screamed.

Derek cam up to me and put me on the bench. I began to straddle him, as he slammed his lips on mine.

A Loving Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن