A Casual Meeting

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"What do we do now?" I heard Ron's voice, but I didn't pay attention "Hey, are you listening? Now we are free from school, let's go out a bit, have fun".

"How can you have fun after all that happened at Hogwarts? The battle was fierce, the losses... I don't even want to remember," I wasn't sure how to deal with that issue yet.

"Harry, the war is over. We won, that's what really matters. We made history for all the years we were together," I noticed that he stared at the sky for a few moments "And the lost ones... definitely weren't in vain," I knew it was something recent and painful for him, the least I could do was accept a bit of fun.

"All right, all right. Let's go somewhere then," Since we started working, we had no time to visit the Muggles together.

"Yes! That's the spirit, let's go to a bar, a park or even a walk ... a walk! That sounds good!" He was excited, but after so long without going out together I should be too.

"Relax, dude. One thing at a time" We cross some streets, chatted a bit, until we were close to our destination. The place had an antique look, but brought good memories for us most of the time. It was a bar, had a medieval decor, you know, castles and stuff. I wasn't as excited as I should be, but I knew I owed ​​it to Ron. Perhaps if there had butterbeer that would cheer me up. These days have been complicated for me.

"There is nothing better than we get drunk. Yet, nothing beats good old butterbeer!" I looked around to see if anyone had heard what Ron said. He is very spontaneous. I thought I saw an acquaintance, but I let that thought aside "Ok, ok. I thought we were just here to have fun, eat something,"

"Nope," He said popping the p "We deserve much more than that, you will not regret it, I promise. Now, come on."

When we reached the entrance, we saw an old friend sitting. I think Ron should also have recognized her, otherwise he wouldn't have shouted her name "Hermione!" They had quarreled recently, but I think they had already solved "Harry, look, it's Hermione!"

Ron seemed to be embarrassed to talk to her, but I thought I was just imagining things. I don't know what to feel. Since Ginny broke up with me, my feelings are confused, sometimes I think I'm jealous of Hermione, you know, because of Ron. What was strange is that I was comfortable with the fact that she only speak to me.

"Harry, it seems that you've been neglecting your glasses again" She stared at me, was I blushing? No, it must just be me "If I could, I would use a little magic to fix them. You have not changed a thing," I felt my heart flutter. 

"No problem Hermione, I'm fine" I said, almost stammering.

"How are you, Hermione?" Ron took the initiative and began to speak "It's been a while since we Talked" Hermione blushed. It seems that she still has feelings for Ron, clearly he felt something for her.

"Uhm, I'm fine" I didn't want to stay there.

"Well, me and Ron are just passing through. We were going toward the park, isn't it Ron?" 

"Really?" It took awhile to he understand my move "Yes, yes, it's true"

When we left I realized he was a bit relieved, even if for some reason I was too. The thought of being there and seeing the two so close, dividing much attention, somehow made ​​me ... jealous? No, definitely not.

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