Chapter 1

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Mind you, I'm not a robot (or at least I hope so) so I am not perfect. I try my hardest, but there will still be minor imperfections in my writing. Please do not hate, thank you :).

The bright sunlight blinded me through the curtain-less windows.

Another boring day. Why even bother getting up?

But of course, Madam Aspen was going to force me out off my uncomfortable plank of wood that I had for a bed.

I jerked up as soon as I heard the vicious knocking of the person I hate most, Madam Aspen.

"Get up you brat. And throw some ratty clothes over your head while your at it, would ya?"

"Yes ma'am." I mumble, more to myself then the person commanding me like a dog.

"And speak up when you talk to me. I'm sure that someone had to love you enough at some point to teach you how to speak correctly."

And she's calling me a brat.

The hinges rattle as she slams the door on her way out, probably going to go command the other unlucky souls.

I swing my legs out of my "bed" and walk across the creaky wooden floor to my hideous wardrobe.

I used to share this room with 3 people, but they all got adopted. Alex, who was 5, was gone within 2 weeks of her arrival. Marsha, 6, was adopted three days ago and Pearl, 9, got adopted yesterday. Lucky ducks.

Since the dresser had only 4 drawers, we each had our own. I somehow ended up with the smallest drawer, what luck, right? I've managed here for 3 years and this is what I get. I almost always have the worst luck. Often times I don't get meals, just because I'm forgotten. I haven't gotten any new clothes for 2 years and I hear that they somehow got some new funds and started replacing beds. But of course they skipped me. Always me. Always.


I throw on a 2-sizes-to-small T-shirt with a pair of jeans that cut my circulation off along with a pair of shoes that pinch my toes.

I hear someone step in the door and as I'm turning my head I see clothes hurtling towards me.

"Put these on, little rat. Someone's getting adopted and we had some clothes donated to us yesterday, so you get these."

I look down at the clothes that had landed just inches in front of me. A somewhat tattered- no, cut- T-Shirt lay on top. It was perfect. It was tie-dye with fringe at the bottom like I had always wanted. Then there were a pair of short jean shorts- very short jean shorts- and some cheap flip flops. I started to ask who had donated them, but Madam Aspen had already left.

I quickly undressed and redressed so I could go out to the main part of the adoption center. There was already a group of kids gathering, waiting to see who would be adopted. Most of the older children had a little child with them, a sibling or friend. Of course, not me. I had no friends.

I look to the register and see the back of two people talking to the registrar. One of them is holding a clipboard. I presume that the one holding the clipboard is a girl and the other is a boy.

I glance around and notice for the first time how small this room actually is. Behind the group of 10 or so eager children is a door, leading to the outside world. Then to the right of that is a closet, holding who-knows-what. To the left is a small, one person bathroom. Me and all the other children are standing in about the middle of the room, on an ugly, scratchy beige rug. In front of us is the registration desk, to the right is the hall leading to the other rooms and to the left is a hall leading to the interviewing rooms, where you find out your destiny. I look around at the pastel blue walls, thinking of the old Madam. I only knew her for a month before she left. She was sweet, loving, and caring. She made you feel comforted, at home. She was like the mother to all the motherless children. What was her name? Caroline? No... Cameron? No... Christi? Yes! Madam Christi! I remember her telling us to call her Mother Christi instead... If only it hadn't been for-

I heard the slamming of a door as the heavy footsteps of Madam Aspen entered the room. Every single child went silent, and you would have thought someone had come in and said 'Nobody gets any food for six days.'

"Hi, I'm Madam Aspen! So nice to meet you! You must be Elizabeth and Joel, here to adopt one of these cuties!"

She reached down to mess with Marcie's hair, who flinched at the touch and sudden niceness of this witch.

"This is Marcie, she's 3."

Madam motioned towards the frightened child next to her.

"Marcie, say hello." She hissed.

Elizabeth shot a glance to Joel, obviously confused at the little girls fear of the seemingly nice lady.

"Hello." Marcie said quietly to her feet, not taking her eyes off the ground.

Madam Aspen laughed nervously and hastily changed the subject.

"So why did you decide to adopt?"

Elizabeth still looked quite confused, so Joel answered for her.

"We really want to start a family of our own, seeing others so happy with having children in their life."

Aspen nodded, content with his answer.

"And where do you live?"

"We just recently moved to the U.S. from England and bought a house about 30 minutes away from here."

Madam turned towards Elizabeth and extended her arms for the clipboard, the forms seemingly all filled out. Elizabeth handed it to her, looking recovered from the incident that had happened only moments ago.

Madam set down the clipboard on the registration counter and turned to the hall to the left of the counter.

"If you'll follow me, I'm going to ask you a few questions and then I will start sending in children one at a time so you can ask them some questions about themselves. Do you have some prepared?"

She looked at the couple with a questioning face.

"Yes ma'am." Answered Joel.

"Oh please, call me Aspen."

I heard the closing of a door and could no longer hear them talking. I knew this process would take a while, so I sat down, my back against the door of the closet behind me. I checked the clock. 9:46. I closed my eyes and dreamed of what would happen if these people adopted me.

Within what seemed seconds I heard Madam Aspen's heavy footsteps trail out the door and into the waiting room. I checked the clock again. 10:07. Wow, I really do have an imagination.

I immediately stood up and joined the rest of the children before this evil old lady.

"Now I'm going to send you brats in one at a time, and they are going to ask you questions about yourself. Just be good, ok?"


What do you think?

Don't be scared to tell me


Rosy Kat <3

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