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Sunday was the day Erza was fond of, well she used to like Sundays since her family would always hold a family get together, but now, none of those things happen, now her Sundays were like normal days.

As usual Erza would grab a book and a pen and write about her life, her thoughts, her feelings, everything she could think of.

And just as she kept on writing about she wished her life would become more prettier, morning quickly turned into a cloudless night.

Like everyday , Erza went to the balcony and looked at the sky, then habitually her gaze went towards the house next door and there she saw the boy again smiling at her from his balcony.

Erza turned around, once again deciding to leave and slump on bed, but the boy stopped her.

"Wait, what's your name ?" The boy asked.

"Who are..you ?" Erza asked, suddenly she had a slight feeling that she had seen him somewhere before, but couldn't clearly recall where. Maybe he might be a passerby that she happened to notice on the street.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, what's your name ?"

"Erza..Scarlet." Erza answered. Natsu was the first person to ever talk to her in 3 years.

3 years Erza was friendless. 3 years she had no one to say hi to or even give a smile to.

"Woah, that's the prettiest name I have ever heard." Natsu laughed, but he won't take his eyes off of Erza's. His black eyes met the Scarlet haired brown eyes.

A slight sting attacked Erza's heart.
A feeling of something she didn't understand.

"Uh..can I ask you a question Erza?" Natsu asked rubbing the back of his neck.

Though all Erza did was nod, inside she was overjoyed. She was happy that a person had appeared in front of her that she could speak to.

"Why don't you smile ? I see you everyday, but I never saw your smile. Why ?" Natsu asked, taking support of the balcony handrail and placing his head on both the palms of his hand.

"I don't know.." Erza replied unknowingly, she didn't stop herself from not talking to Natsu.

"Huh ? That's weird, there should be a reason for being sad, our human brain knows everything, it's upto us if we really want to know the reason or not." Natsu said. Somehow Erza felt the need to talk to him more, she wanted to express her feelings and emotions to someone she just barely knew.

"I really don't know, guess being sad is in my nature."

"That's a weird nature." Natsu smiled. He couldn't bare the look on Erza's face no matter how much he tried to talk to her to make her happy.

Erza suddenly felt that it was not right to talk to somebody and tell them their problems on their first meet, so she decided to let her emotions locked up in her heart for now.

"I need to go sleep now.." Erza said turning around once again.

"Okay good night." Natsu responded. This time he didn't stop her, he let her go. He knew Erza liked to be alone, he knew.

Erza closed the balcony doors and laid on her bed, covering half of her body with a warm blanket before soundly falling asleep without thinking about anything or anyone, except one person. Natsu Dragneel.


Like everyday, Erza woke up, ate breakfast alone, went to school, felt lonely while the others were talking behind her back and came to home like nothing happened.

Erza's heart pains more when she comes home and thinks about the talks she heard from the friends she barely talked to.

No matter how much she doesn't care, those words stings her heart like a needle.

Unintentionally just by thinking about it, tears rolled down her cheeks smoothly. Erza knelt down and let out a loud cry, she wanted to remove those feelings she had. For once she wished to be happy and not think any of those things anymore, but her heart says something else. Her heart still wanted to lock her emotions.

An hour passed and finally Erza stopped crying, she cried so much today that her legs weakened as she got up and headed for the balcony.

She didn't know but she was expecting Natsu to be there. She wanted to see the boy who smiled at her for no reason.

As Erza went outside the balcony, the cold air gently welcomed her.
The sky was prettier than any other days today, or maybe she felt it this way for the time ever. Maybe she thought her life would look prettier like this everyday, she wished. Wished and wished.

"Why am I like this..?" Erza asked herself loudly.
"Why..?" She got frustrated. Again her frustration was for the first time.

"Maybe because you have things you haven't yet got the chance to express." Erza heard Natsu say from the other side.

Immediately she looked at him with wide eyes as ever, as though she was waiting for him. A slight happiness bloomed inside of her heart.

"Maybe because no one ever asked you, "are you okay." Natsu smiled at her broadly.

"Come on Erza, smile. There's no harm in smiling right ? Its not like you will die from smiling." Natsu joked and insisted Erza on doing so.

However, Erza didn't like the idea of smiling. She thought that smiling wasn't she could do naturally now, she lost the heart to smile even if it was forcefully, she couldn't do it.

"Sorry, I won't force you.." Natsu said as he saw Erza looking elsewhere. He didn't want to annoy her or make himself look like a total jerk.

Erza glanced at him and slightly nodded.

"Oh wait a second !" Natsu said and ran back to him room. His room was dark though, so Erza couldn't really see what contents were hidden inside. Maybe just like any other houses have, a bed and closet was a must, but a room says a lot about the person so Erza was a little, just a little curious what his room looked like.

A few minutes later Natsu came back to the balcony with a two cups attached to a string.

He signalled Erza to catch what he was going to throw and threw it perfectly into her cupped hands.

"What..is this ?" Erza asked looking carefully at the empty cup she was holding.

"Place it near your ear." Natsu said.

Erza did what he told her to and listened attentively.

"I want you to smile." She heard Natsu's voice entering her ears through the cup.

As she glanced at Natsu, he was as usual grinning at Erza.

"Isn't this fun ? Let's talk like this from now on." Natsu said through the cup.

Erza didn't have any words to speak, rather she was just listening to what Natsu had to say to her. He talked about himself a bit, about what he likes and dislikes, though Erza seemed like she didn't care, she very much wanted to know more about him, but as the moon got higher in the sky, they both parted sadly parted ways, leaving their cups hanging on each of their cold and frozen handrails.
Erza came back from school, however, she didn't go to the balcony, she slumped on her bed and suddenly fell asleep.

She felt her eye lids getting heavy, maybe due to tiredness from her crying in the bathroom at school.

As she slept without eating anything, the time had come where shining stars would show themselves bright in the sky.

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