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Erza woke up, not knowing what the time was and by listening to her consciousness went to the balcony.

"You came late today." Natsu said and pouted as soon as he saw Erza. " I was so bored."

Erza didn't say anything, as always she decided to turn back and leave but Natsu stopped her.

"Won't you talk to me ? Won't you tell me what happened today at school ?"

"Why..should I tell you all that ?" Erza asked.

"Because if you do..maybe you could at least smile.." Natsu said and grinned.

"I don't want to-"

"Please..talk to me.." Natsu said and held his cup near his ear.

Erza sighed before agreeing to Natsu's tiny request.
Although she didn't had the mood, she felt that something was pulling her towards Natsu.

She held her cup in front of her mouth and begun to tell everything that happened at school. About how the students talk behind her back, about he she gets good marks but there was no one to really appreciate it, and about how she wished her life would become more easier and happier.

Natsu listened attentively to each and every words of her, as though he knew what she was going through, or more like as though he knew her for a really long time.

"Can you at least try smiling ?" Natsu asked as Erza came to pause.

"I can't.."

"Try, for me at least.."

Erza tried, but her lips wouldn't curve, she felt funny how when one says to smile, people smile. But it was totally different for Erza, no matter how much Natsu will insist her to smile, she couldn't.

"I need to go now, its late." Erza said and left the balcony, leaving her cup on the handrail once again.

Always Natsu would regret for asking Erza to smile, since when he does, their conversations comes to an end.


Erza went down to eat her breakfast, she saw her mom making pancakes for her and slowly sat down on her chair.

"Good morning sweetie." Her mom greeted, but Erza would just nod.

"Did you sleep well last night ?"

"Hm.." Erza replied.

"That's good." Her mom said as she gently tossed a pancake on her plate and poured maple syrup in a really delicate manner and design.

"Erza sweetie, do you mind asking you a question ?"

"No.." Erza agreed.

"Last night, I heard voices from your room, were you talking to someone ?"

"Mom.." Erza said, she wasn't scared to tell her mom everything, rather she was hoping that maybe she knew about Natsu since he only lives right next to us.

"Do you know Natsu ?" Erza asked.

"Natsu ?" Her mom asked curiously.

"Yes, Natsu Dragneel, just a boy who lives next door."

"Natsu...Dragneel...Erza you- does he have pink hair ?" Her mom asked with eyes that widened each minute.


Upon hearing Erza's affirmed answer, Her mom sat down on the chair and looked at Erza."

"Erza..are you sure that's Natsu you were talking to last night ?"

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