Chatper Fourty-Six

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After Sulli assured me that the coast was clear and her parents were safely occupied with some new nad higly dangerous art-installation project in the kitchen, I tiptoed back up the stairs but stopped by the front door. "Is Minho home?"

She tilted her head at me. "No idea. He won't let me put a GPS tag on him."

"Can I check his room real quick? I have to talk to him." Truthfully, I hoped he wasn't home. It would make it easier to snoop. My powers of persuasion weren't nearly as honed as my powers of invesitgation.


"I want to . . . thank him. For his help with the pig."

"I'll deliver the message."

"It would mean more coming from me."

She studied me for a moment, obviously suspicious. "Fine, but if my parents catch you, I'm claiming you're a buglar."

"Striking while the family's home and wearing jeans id the perfect cover."

Sulli went into the kitchen to distract her parents with loud complaints about her unfair grounding - because wasn't getting arrested punishment enough? I tired not to laugh and instead walking through the foyer and up the stairs.

I pressed my ear against Minho's door to listen over the loud sounds coming from downstairs. I knocked softly. No answer. I twisted the knob carefully and opened the door.

Minho sat cross-legged on his bed, huge earphones covering his ears. His alarm clock looked like it had been smashed with a hammer. A large manila envelope rested next to him, and he was sliding photographs mounted on a black board. Other photographs littered on his bed. One depicted a rose at the peak of bloom, crushed beneath a sneaker. Next to it, one of a gorgeous sunset taken through a streaky glass window, the vivid colors subdued by fingerprints. His eyes rose to meet mine. My stomach flipped, and I slammed the door shut.

I quickly walked down the hall, heart pounding. I had enough insight to know this wasn't something Minho would want me seeing. Taking photos of me to use as blackmail? Manly. Taking photos of flowers and sunsets? Lost him a bit of his intimidation cred. The door burst open and Minho came out, headphones wrapped around his neck.

"What you saw -" He broke into a coughing fit before he could finished.

"Got into a fight with your alarm clock?"

"It started whispering things to me, mocking me. So I destroyed it." He pounded one of his fists against the other. "Didn't stop the whispering." He was silent for a second. "Is that all you saw?"

I held up my hands. "Hey, I'm not like you. I don't blackmail people or reveal their secrets."

He stared at me, coughing one last time. "I know."

"But I will secretly laugh at you for taking such girly photos."

"You thought they were -" He brought his fists to his temples and punched himself several times. After a moment, he dragged his hands down his face. "Never mind." His fists shook at his sides. "It's not a big deal." He forced his hands open with struggle, keeping his fingers splayed. "Just this thing that probably doesn't even matter."

Except to him, I could see. I bit my lip. Now I felt bad for making fun of him when he was obviously insecure about it. If the situation were reversed, I knew he'd use it against me, but I was glad I held the power for once. Because I knew the best way to get people on your side was through kindness, not force.

"Why'd you come to my room, anyway?"

"Ammunition?" I raised an brow for good damage-control measure.

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