Chapter Fourty-Nine

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=^_^= . . . RECAP . . . =^_^=

I turned around in time for Minho to corner me by the jug. Sulli was busying giving the pitch to a group of girls.

"Take more tea." Minho pushed a cup in my direction.

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This is why he'd hung back? He wanted to get me dizzy? "I've had nothing yet, so I can't take more." I picked up a clipboard and busied myself with it, with no intention of playing his games.

"You mean you can't less," Minho said. "It's easy to make more than nothing."

"I didn't ask your opinion." I held the clipboard in front of my chest like a shield. Anti-enemy protection.

"But you're listening. This isn't going to work, you know." He took the petition from my hands and held it out to me. "You're getting them interested now, but once you try to make them work, they'll bail. I doubt anyone will even show up to the meeting."

"We'd like to have you," I said. "We'll help you."

"Like you helped Sehun?" He raised an brow at me.

My stomach sank like an anchor. "I'm trying to fix it. I think this approach might work, out in the open and legal." I gestured at the table. "I'm hoping if we get a club together, we can raise money for Sehun and -"

"He doesn't want to be a charity case. I think the whole sleeping-in-his-car thing proved that."

Why won't you help him? He's your friend. He needs you, too."

"I am helping. Let's see whose method gets more results."

"The prank? Is that your method?"

He set the clipboard back down. "The prank benefits you, too, you know."

I rolled my eyes. "No, thanks. Leave me out of your schemes."

"It doesn't work that way. If you want to know, you better show up at the Homecoming dance."

My mouth went dry. "Wae? (Why?) What are you planning on doing there?" And more importantly, why was Hyuna his weapon of class destruction?

"I'd tell you that, but pigs flying isn't in the weather forecast today." He snapped his fingers. "Probably because you set them all free." He started to look away, then changed his mind and crept into the space between the table and me. "You know," he said, as if he were sizing me up. "I think you underestimate me."

I took a step backward. "That's not possible. You've met my expectations every time."

"You think I'm the bad guy." He stepped forward again.

This was not a dance I wanted to be a part of. I turned my head. "I'm going by fact."

"I'm just saying, the dance will be interesting."

I met his eyes. "Minho, please don't hurt anyone."

He gave a sad smile. "No one can be hurt worse than me." With that he walked away, leaving me with more questions and more confusion.

I smiled as I handed out the clipboard. The pages filled up fast, but I couldn't enjoy it. Not when my mind spins as I thought about what Minho is planning. And stupidly, everytime I thought of the dance, I thought of Sehun. He hadn't ask me, and now he never would.

Principal Yoon came running out of the building, hand raised in the air like she calling for a taxicab. Her red Wonderland cap looked out of place next to the suit. "I've had reports someone's serving alcohol here!" She stopped short when she saw me. "Oh, Suzy. I should've known you might be involved."

Well, on the bright side, I probably wouldn't be branded in the yearbook with "Teacher's Pet" in the Senior Superlative section.

Whispers erupted from the line. Sulli didn't miss a beat, filling a cup and handing it to her. "I'm afraid you've been misinformed. No alcohol here. Try it, it's good for you."

Principal Yoon brought it to her nose, smelling it. "What's in it? Do I need to get a chemistry teacher out here to analyze it."

"Just a mixture of herbs. There's green tea. Echinacea for health. St. John's wort for happiness. Ginkgo for mind clarity. Stuff like that."

"Oh." Principal Yoon placed the cup down without drinking. "Well, either way, I need to shut this operation shut. It's disrupting the school day." She shooed away the line. "Suzy, you should've asked my permission."

"I know, but after what happened with the paper, I thought -"

"Let me guess. That I wouldn't say yes?" She studied me. "That's true. Not without a teacher sponsor." Principal Yoon grabbed the yellow jug and carried it inside for further analysis.

I bit my lip. "Minho's planning something that will go down at the dance," I told Sulli. It had to be bigger than breaking into City Hall. Why else would he be so secretive?"

Sulli shrugged. "I wouldn't worry. He hasn't exactly been the brains behind our other operations. I doubt he'll come up with anything other than a letdown."

That was the thing, though. Maybe Minho was right. Maybe we were underestimating him.

=^_^= . . . =^_^=

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