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First let me start by saying thank you to everyone who has read both Evading Security and Defying Security. When you guys comment stuff like "you inspire me to write" and ask me to read over your stuff, it melts my heart. I've never had this much support on my work before so thank you. From the bottom of my heart I truly want to say thank you.

I also want to give another thanks to Vince. If you're reading this, thanks for having hope in my story. It makes me feel good when you say things like "I almost cried." Or "That's fire!" Because I only started this for fun. But to know that I made you and many others feel something with this story, that's a huge bonus. So thank you.

I would like to announce that I am working on a brand new THATBOYVINCE Fanfiction entitled Requiring Grace. It should be up fairly soon so please stay looking out. Thanks again everyone! I truly appreciate all the love and support. You guys mean the world. #FAMILY

-ZBEAR ♡ ♡ ♡

Defying Security (a THATBOYVINCE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now