Your POV

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A/N- First story, will accept feedback. May continue, May not.

(y/n) = Your name

(l/n) = Last name

(h/c) = Hair color

(e/c) = Eye color

(f/c) = Favorite color

(f/f) = Favorite food

(2f/c) = 2nd Favourite color

(d/h) = Dominant hand

Your POV

Darkness. That's all I see when I wake up. Damn. Where did my colleagues put me this time? I sit up against what feels like grating. I gingerly touch the back of my head, feeling where I hit it earlier. After doing this, I feel around. I come to the conclusion that I'm in the Box. The ground jars, signaling to me that the Box is moving. Me being in here must have triggered the elevator. I must be heading up to the glade by accident. Must have fallen in here after tripping and knocked myself unconscious. That's no problem, I'll just walkie-talkie the observation crew and have them take me back down. I reach toward my belt. Darnit, I must have dropped it. Oh well, the observers will notice the box coming up and they'll send me back down. I look at my glow-in-the-dark watch, glancing at it every once and while to see how much time has passed. After 30 minutes passes, the box jars to a stop, sending me sprawling on the floor. I stand up, covering my eyes so that when someone opens the doors, I won't be blinded. I hear a clanking and some shouting. I straighten my white blouse and skirt. The opening splits apart and light streams in. Someone hops in as the doors slide open all the way. I look up at the person's face. Thomas. He was my best friend before his memories were taken away and he was shoved in this bloody maze. Thomas puts his hand out.

Maze of Secrets (Maze Runner Thomas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now