Your POV

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Your POV

Thomas snaps out of the trance he seems to be in. "You probably want out of here, don't you?" I nod. He lifts me up by the waist and sets me on the edge of the Box. He then climbs up a rope that was lowered down into the Box. I stand up, looking around. The glade is much different in person the on a screen. Alby walks up to me. "What's your name girl? And why are you here? You must not be here on purpose."

I fidget. "I'm... uh... (y/n)," I know that normally, gladers don't know their last name, "As to why I'm here, I need to speak with you. In private." Alby nods his head. "Okay, (y/n), follow me." We walk into the map room. He motions for me to sit. He looks outside. "Please return to your jobs. Runners, since it's after running time, please go help the other gladers." Everyone outside nods and walks away to do whatever.

Alby sits in the chair in front of me. "So (y/n), my name is..."

"Alby." I respond without thinking.

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"Look, I'm not supposed to be here. I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm head designer for the maze. I took over when the previous designer was sent in here to help."

"How'd you get in here then?"

"I was getting some new equipment from the resource facilities when I tripped and fell into the Box, knocking myself unconscious. When I woke up, I thought the monitors of the experiment would notice the Box sensor tripping off, but I must have been to far up the elevator shaft for them to bring me back. So, here I am."

"If you're the head designer, the you must know how to get out of the maze, right?"

"Sorry, I dropped my maps when I fell. I know one way, but only one person can go through it every 24 hours. That's why we rarely ever use it. Not to mention, it's in the maze. I don't know how far you've gotten on today's design."

"We have maps you can look at."

"Sure, but none of you would be able to get through without a ring and passcode."


I lifted up my (d/h) hand and show Alby the gold band with a rose quartz stone in the center. A (f/c) stone is on the right side of it and a (2f/c) stone on the left side of it. "It's something Tho... the original creators and I came up with when we made the maze. We didn't want any subjects that stumbled upon it to be able to just get through, or they could hurt one of the other scientists or cause the maze to malfunction if they found the control board."

"Okay. We should probably make up something to tell the other gladers so they don't freak out."

Maze of Secrets (Maze Runner Thomas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now