wasted dumbass

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Thing's got dark after that. I remember kissing Eli until my lips were numb and puffy, my body and my jaw sore from the desperation of my movements. I remember us stumbling back to the beach where Thomas was, now joined by Leroy. I remember laughing with Eli profusely, our cheeks flushed and hair unkempt. Then I remember getting absolutely, and undeniably, fucking wasted. Well, I don't exactly remember that part. But I knew it had happened when I woke up next to a toilet the next morning, stark naked and sweating bullets.

I'd been drunk enough to puke my guts out once before; it was my first experience with liquor. I was in a large field in the outskirts of northern Portland, camping with some buddies. There were three girls with us, to match myself and the other two guys who'd brought them here. We had acquired some liquor from my buddy's older brother Joe, and after hearing Kyle share with us with the tale of how he lost his virginity, we agreed it was appropriate to maybe invite some girls over, just because the topic of females had come up... We got bored in Kyle's basement drinking cheap beer, so he reached to the back of his sock drawer and pulled out a bottle of Graygoose, saying he'd been saving it for a rainy day. We drove out to the field and mixed ourselves a few drinks before drunk dialing our classmates.

But I... well I knew for sure now that I was not turned on at all by these girls. I knew I was gay, so I didn't get into it like they did. I didn't drink as much, though I did drink a lot.

Long story short, I thought I had died at one point. I probably should've been hospitalized, I really don't know how I survived the night. 

Kyle and Shane were disappointed they hadn't gotten laid that night, but I was only concerned with not going towards the light while I was still a virgin. However I wasn't sure I was willing to fuck a girl. The thought made it so much easier for the vodka to send me into a fit of hacking up my lunch. 

I looked up, starting to realize this wasn't my bathroom. I was still drunk, that was for sure. It's dark in here, the lights were off, and the door closed. Barely any light was coming through the bottom. It must still be early.

Trying to stand was a quick attempt. I immediately puked the second I tried to move. Not even two seconds after I finished wiping my mouth there was a knock at the door and someone worriedly called my name, effectively scaring the shit out of me, and when I jumped I hit my head on the side of the bathtub.

I whimpered and fell to the ground, clutching my head. I thought for a moment I was being over dramatic and just plain drunk, but when the door flew open and light came in I saw that there was blood on my fingers from where I'd touched my head. Damn it, good going Con, so much for first impressions. 

Eli stumbled to the floor and grabbed my wrist to look at my hands. "What did you do?" he scolds.

"You scared me!" I retorted, then turning to puke again, unable to help it. Jesus, did I really drink that much? I heard him sigh. 

"You've been doing this all night, but you fell asleep about two hours ago so I thought the worst was over," he explains. "It's still only 4 am." I groaned, my head throbbing. Fuck.

4 hours later.

This time I woke up in a bed, a big white bed. The morning sunlight was streaming through the blinds, illuminating my face. I scrunched up my nose and covered my eyes, razors bouncing off the walls of my head.

My first instinct was to throw up, but my stomach was empty. The worst was over, I hope. 

I moved a little bit, trying to take in my surroundings. The minute I saw Eli asleep on his stomach next to me it occurred to me to check my own body. Nope no clothes, uh oh. 

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