uber is for winners

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"So how much did I tell you last night?" I wonder, finally getting some food into my body. I love bacon so much, and it was a lot easier for me to fathom the idea of eating after Eli recapped me on exactly what'd happened at the beach. The important thing was that we didn't bang, so down side I'm still a virgin but upside I likely own't be for long and I am sure I will not be drunk when I do do the deed. 

"When you were drunk or when you were asleep?" Eli teases, eyeballing Thomas who just reciprocates his humor, munching his own bacon. 

"I know a few things about Conny Con from when I crashed at his house a few times," he winks at me. My heart lurched.

"What? What did I say?!"' I shriek, choking on my eggs, fearful he knows I wanted him once. He just shakes his head and laughs.

"You'll know when it can benefit me."

They both laugh. I feel like being the butt of their jokes is going to be a recurring thing for us. 

"Well, for starters, your favorite color is purple," Eli holds up his fork, gesturing to my face, "which is good I guess, because it's all over your face."

"Huh?" I touch my face, for some reason thinking the color would come off on my fingers.

"You remember hitting your head last night? It happened a few times before that." He sighs. "Y'all aren't havin' any more alcohol."

Leroy enters the room, sipping coffee and nodding his head.

"Yeah, at least not for a while," he says, pointing a finger at Thomas. "You have done this one too many times." Thomas only shrugs, setting a bag of frozen peas on his head I didn't even notice he was holding that. Eli looks at him like he just suggested something insane.

"What are you doing?" Eli mutters.

"My head hurts, duh."

"Well that's not gonna help," Eli tells him.

"You're not gonna help," Thomas retorts.

I'm just quietly focusing on my food, internally laughing at their brotherly antics but not able to do it out loud because my body still hurts too much. Sometimes I wish I had a brother I could talk to about things, get advice from and relate to. But every time I see the scars Joe gave to Kyle I'm reminded that sometimes having a brother is not fun at all. 

"Connlin, what time is your mom expecting you home?" Leroy asks. "And did you let her know that you were staying over last night?"

"Yeah I texted her, and uh, I don't really have a curfew," I murmur, not really knowing how to explain that my mom doesn't keep track of my whereabouts. My mom had actually told me where she was going yesterday, instead of just saying "out with her friends." She had a date last night, with the director of her most recent movie.

My mom is an actress in a good chunk of movies, having started her career at a young age. She hangs out with Anna Farris sometimes.

"I should probably get home, check and see how she's doing," I say, setting my fork down. My head still hurts; I'm not quite sure if I feel well enough to drive.

"You can't. You left your car at the beach," Leroy chuckles. I sigh, irritated.

"Why would you let me do that?" I scold them.

"Um, you were wasted. We were all too drunk to drive. We ubered home. You really don't remember anything?" Eli leans in, and by the tone of his voice I can tell he's nervous.

"Not since we went back to the beach," I tell him, giving him a soft smile which he returns with a blush. 

"Uggghh," I groan, thinking over my situation.

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