Author's note

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Okay so that was my first one shot I don't really know if this should even be considered a one shot but it's too short to call it full on fanfic so yeah. Oh also since I don't really think much people ship these two since the most popular ships out of these guys are h2ovanoss,minicat,terrornuckel,etc. and personally I don't ship those shippings (man a lot of those who do ship those are gonna hate me now) but yeah I hope those people will understand that I like to ship these guys with other people but yeah I just wanted to put that out there. So yep I guess that's all I wanted to say I think any ways I don't want to make this note to long and so okay bye-bye! ;3
Oh shoot! Sorry I almost forgot to say but I know the ending to this is really weird and stuff but remember this is my first,FIRST one shot ever so please no hate I'll admit I'm still a noob but again sorry and now I will say bye-bye ;3

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