#125 Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

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You guys know that quote? "Once you start worrying about the future, you start obsessing over the past."
Well, remember when I said I've been feeling really down at times? Mainly because I don't want us all to split up so soon...I actually don't want to go to high school?
Well, I still feel like that at times, and yesterday, I found the key of this small cupboard where I kept all my old notebooks. I'd lost the key years ago, and when I unlocked the door, all my old stories and poems and diary entries and doodles and whatnot from about fourth, fifth grade, fell out. I just sat and looked through them and I want to go back to that time so badly.
I want to have those friendships and rivalries and securities and problems again. But although we're all still kids, we've matured a lot, and we can never go back to that time. Even though I've been studying in the same school my whole life, we moved out of the old building and into a new one a little over a year ago, and all those memories are left there, not here. I just miss those days. I feel old now...

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