#3 The Gig-Part #1

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Grojband are packing their instruments into Trina's car, because Corey and Trina's dad: Cameron Riffin, said she had to drive them.

Trina's Pov:
Ugh, I can't believe that Garbageband have to sit in my car when they could easily catch a bus., I thought to myself as they got into my car. Well better set some ground rules.
"Okay, since you're in my car you will follow my rules.", I state firmly. "That means no talking, no talking to me, no burping, no singing and absolutely no farting!!", I yell at them. So the ride down was so quiet it was blissful.

Kin's Pov:
As we set up for the gig, I see Corey tense up suddenly and look around for what made him react like that. I immediately regret doing that, because when I turned around I saw... The Newmans!! They are our rival band and our doppelgänger gender opposites. Carrie Beff is their leader and Mina's little sister, Larry Nepp is their bassist, Kim Kagami is their keyboardist and Konnie Kagami is their drummer. (Kim and Konnie are twins just like Kin and Kon.)They are always trying to break up Grojband.
"What do you want Carrie?", Corey spat out Carrie's name like it were poison on his tongue.
"Corey, calm down.", I cautioned. "She wants a reaction. Don't give it to her."
"But-", he began.
"Calm down or I'll tell Laney your secret.", I whisper in his ear, only loud enough for him to hear.
Corey gasped. "You wouldn't"
"I would."

Corey's Pov:
I'm just unpacking my guitar when I see the Newmans, our rival band, walking towards me.
"What do you want Carrie", I say, spitting her name like poison on my tongue. Kin came over to calm me down by threatening to tell Lanes that I like her, so I calmed myself down straight away. As I head back to the stage I see my Lanes approaching me. Wait did I just say "my Lanes?" Ugh get it together Corey.
"Hey Lanes, what's up?", I ask her.
"Well I just saw Nick and I think Trina did too, so I think we should put the plan in motion.", she says to me.
"Good idea, Lanes.", I say, causing her to blush.

Mina's Pov:
I'm just walking around, minding my own business, when suddenly Corey comes up and takes my glasses.
"Hey!", I shout and give chase. As I'm running without my glasses I can't see where I'm going and accidentally bump into someone, knocking them into the chocolate fountain. I found my glasses and put them back on. I wish I hadn't. The person I knocked into the chocolate fountain was none other than...

A/N Hehe I'm so mean. So who do you think Mina knocked into the chocolate fountain? Let me know in the comments.
Fallstar_57 out. 🐱

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