#6 The Date Part Two

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Corey's Pov:
"Um Lanes I don't think they sell... HOLY SHIT!!", I exclaim. As soon as Laney said that, I turned around to see what had caused her to yell out like that in a restaurant. I wish I hadn't. The reason Lanes yelled that out was because, the boy standing in the doorway was none other than Brandon Collin, our life long bully. "Hey Lanes. Long time no see.", he said to Lanes, my Lanes. 
"What do you want, Brandon?" Wow Lanes spat his name out like he was one of the Newmans. Is there something going on between these two, that I missed during my obliviousness? Something that goes deeper than being bullied all through her life by this kid?
"Hey Lanes, is there something you're not telling me? Something to do with Brandon?", I asked hesitantly, not wanting to upset her. She looked at me with tears brimming in her eyes, and suddenly, those tears began to fall. Brandon began to laugh. I walked up to him and asked why he was laughing at Lanes crying. When he told me I wished that he didn't.
"Laney and I used to date.", he whispered in my ear.
I couldn't believe my ears. Lanes dated this bastard of a boy? I looked at Lanes and she nodded miserably.
"I'm sorry Core. It wasn't because I loved him more than you, it was to get your attention, but it didn't work.", she explained tearfully. "I'll understand if you want to break up and kick me out of the band." I looked at her and said:
"Lanes, I could never break up with you, let alone kick you out if the band."
"What? Why not? I kept a secret from you and I wasn't even the one that told you about it.", she asked in confusion.
"Because I love you and you are my everything. I would give my life for you Lanes.", I explained gently, then added
I love you sweetie."
"Hey Core, can you do me a favour?" Laney asked.
"Sure.", I replied. "What do you want me to do? She whispered in my ear and I smiled. "Hey Brandon!", I called.
"Yo.", Brandon replied. I walked up to him and punched him in the face.
"That's for my Lanes.", I said, and punched him again. "And that's for ruining our date and making the most beautiful girl in the world cry." We walked outside and began walking home. "Let's watch a movie tonight instead", I suggested.
A/N So what did you think of it? Did you like it. Sorry for the wait. I've been away and really busy. Sorry it's just Corey's Pov. I wanted it to be Corey's reaction to the confession of the problem with Lanes and Brandon.
Anyway, hope you liked it. Fallstar_57 out. 🐱

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