Chapter 3

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A/N Okay guys, I am SO sorry for not updating; I haven't been on Wattpad in forever... please accept a virtual pack of girl scout cookies as your condolence present. Actually, two packs of cookies. ~Ginnymollyweasley2


I braced myself for what I was going to say. I needed to apologize, even if I'd rather yank out my own teeth or be sentenced to Connor's whipping again.

I wasn't exactly sure why I was so mad. Sure, I knew that Imogen had been acting a little weird lately... but what I didn't know was why.

Maybe it was her refusal to tell me that had me all worked up. But either way, I flipped the coin over my knuckles in a rhythmic pattern, waiting for her to come in.

She came in wearing a long, emerald green dress, her silver crown resting on her servant's braid.

She wasn't a servant anymore; she was queen.

I pretended not to notice.

"Imogen, sorry for acting all weird today," I muttered.

"I'm sorry too," she said, just as quietly, her eyes cast downward, and I knew there was something she still wasn't telling me.

In time, she would tell me, I decided.

With a great effort, I said, "it's okay." To change the topic, I added,  "we're having frumenty today for breakfast."

Imogen brightened up immediately. I knew that was her favourite.

Maybe she'd tell me tomorrow.

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