Chapter 4

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I keep my promises, guys. This is me, keeping my promises.

Imogen's POV

I would never be able to tell him.

There was no way. Absolutely no way. He couldn't find out.

It wasn't my fault. It wasn't. If it was anyone's fault, it was Connor's.

I stepped outside into the cool September air. My dress brushed against the ground. I walked to the lake, where I sat down and planted another.

Another flower.

Another knife.

This was how I was going to protect him from myself.


"I have a message for the Queen," said Kerwyn, who was standing in the throne room doorway. He bent into a kneel.

"Please, rise," I said. You know I hate being bowed to, I thought.

Kerwyn handed me the letter, which I inspected carefully.

Thomas K. Sutton.

Connor's false name. This again.

Today his letter was brief.


You haven't forgotten what day it is, have you?

That's right, it's two weeks until your task is to be completed.

Go, and good luck.

~Bevin Connor 

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