What do You do With a Drunken Sailor?

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Out of habit, Vane woke at first light. He propped himself up on one arm and watched Cathy sleep, listening to her quiet breathing, wondering how he had gotten so lucky as to get her back after coming so close to losing her.

She had lost some of that hollow-eyed look that she'd had, even though there were still violet shadows under her eyes. Her face was still gaunt, she had not yet re-gained the weight she had lost. The way she looked now didn't suit her, her heart shaped face was normally full, not so thin as it was. Her breasts not so round and plump as they should be. At least she was looking better.

He was going to kill Hornigold the first chance he got.

She stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled and kissed him, then asked, "What time do you think it is?"

He got up, went to the window and peered out. "It's after dawn, the sun is higher than I thought it would be. I suppose you're going out to Flint's ship now."

"I wanted to go last night, if you recall. I hate giving him yet more bad news to start the day, but he'd better know. And I want to get on that ship tonight. I know it's probably heavily guarded, but I think I can do it. I want to take a little home with me as a souvenir, and dangle it in Rackham's face. He prides himself on being so clever, it's time he learns to not overestimate himself."

"You," he pointed at her, "Don't even think about trying to get on that ship."

"Just how do you plan to stop me?" She was quiet for a moment. "You know, the Urca was found way too easily. Flint told me what Silver told him, about the one guard selling the information in exchange for a larger share. I don't think Silver's telling the whole truth. That man looks out for John Silver, first, then he considers the benefit of everyone else and tries to find a way to work it to his advantage. I suppose there's nothing wrong with a scalawag being quartermaster to other scalawags, but I don't like the thought of someone cheating my brother."

"Especially if you stand to gain from it," he grinned broadly.

"Of course, especially if I stand to gain from it. You can never be too rich, and I'd rather be filthy rich than just rich. And, something needs to be done about Rackham, now. That treasure won't stay on that ship forever."

"I suppose you want me to row you out to the Spaniard."

"No, Charles, I want you to see if you can find out anything about Eleanor, and who tried to poison me. I think the two are tied together, otherwise, why bother with me. I have a small fortune, I don't need the Urca money, and I was in no one's way. Why was it so necessary to try to kill me?"

He took her face in his hands and kissed her, "When, my love, I find out, there is going to be hell to pay. Neither I, nor your brother, are taking this lightly. Flint is furious now over what happened to you, there will hell to pay when we catch the culprit who did this to you."

She didn't bother with breakfast, she simply got dressed and threw on a jacket, then went down to the waterfront and found someone to row her to her brother's ship. It's a good thing I'm here, she thought wryly, though they seem to have come to terms with each other, as long as I'm around and they are in my good graces, they won't try to kill or cheat each other.

Vane needs to find a ship, he wants to go back to sea, but it's hands off my brother's ship or we're through. I couldn't believe he wanted to set himself up in the fort, he's at his best when he's at sea—he's a pirate captain at heart, and he's a good one.

She gave the Walrus one nervous look as they rowed her. We've got to get that ship back, she thought, not noticing that she was including herself in it. Damn Rackham, damn Silver and damn Max if she had anything to do with it. Ruby Marie will find that out for me. She helps the girls get abortions, what good is a whore with a baby?

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