Til the End (Niall Horan)

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Chapter 1: Til the End

"ASHLEEEEEY!!!!" My younger sister screamed for me from upstairs. I hurriedly jogged up the small creaky stairs into her room. I saw her squirming around in her little toddler princess bed with tears streaming down her face.

I picked her up and threw her onto my hip, "It's alright Sky, Ashleys here." Her sobs silenced as she buried her face in my chest.

My little sister Skylee and me were both very close. Even though she was already 3 years old, she still acted like a young baby.

I lightly kissed her on the crown of her head and carried her downstairs into the kitchen. I managed to loosen her grip on me and set her into her pink high chair.

"What do you want for breakfast Skylee?" I asked.

"Peaches!!!" She yelled while bobbing up and down in her high chair. It was her absolute favorite food.

I smiled and pulled a peach out of the fridge. I always had a fresh supply. I pulled out a cutting board and knife and began to chop up the peach into small cubes. When I was done, I placed them into a small plastic bowl and added a splash of milk.

Sky continued to bob up and down in her high chair in anticipation.

"Yayyyy!" She squealed when I finally placed the bowl in the small tray infront of her. She immediately began digging into the small cubes.

I smiled. She was just so adorable! The sound of toast popping out of the toaster made me jump out of my skin. I clenched my chest with my hand to slow my heart and giggled. I was such a scaredy cat.

I pulled the toast out and smeared on a dab of honey. I set it on a tray with already a full assortment of fruits and a glass of orange juice.

I picked it up and peered at Emma who was still happily munching on her breakfast before I made my way up the stairs and down the hall to a large wooden door. I pulled it open to see my Mother sitting on her bed staring blankly at the wall.

My smile transformed into a frown at the sight of her. This is how my Mom spent everyday. She just laid on her bed and stared at the wall until she had to go to the washroom or eat. It didn't use to be like this.

It started a little less than 4 years ago when my Mom found out she was pregnant with my sister. Before my Mother could even tell my Father, he fled the city. My Mom was so heartbroken that she just completely shut down. The only time she had left her room was for her pregnancy appointments and child birth. But after that, Sky and I were on our own. I was pretty much a mother to Skylee now. I never even got to have a normal teen life. I had to grow up too fast. I dedicated my whole life to Skylee so she could have a good one.

I snapped from my daze when I noticed the toast beginning to get cold. I forced myself to plaster a smile on my face. I strolled over to the side of my Mothers bed and set the tray beside her. She remained motionless. She never even aknolaged me.

I stared at my bare feet for a moment before running out of the room and slamming the door. I slowly sank to the floor and held my head between my knees. It was beginning to become too much to see my Mom this way. Me and her used to have so much fun together going to the park and playing dress up but now I can barely remember the sound of her voice.

I took my hand and patted at my neck til I felt the cold metal of my necklace. I pulled it away from my chest until I could see the small pendant hanging at then end if the chain. It was a small circle that if you looked closely, you could see was a clock. On the back of it in clear handwriting it read: "Til the end". My father gave it to me before he left me and my Mom. It was the only thing I had to remember him. But I also used it to help me remember something else.

Til the End (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now