Chapter 4:Shop til the end

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 4: Shop til the end

As I woke, I felt something muffling my mouth. My eyes fluttered open and I jumped as I noticed my mouth was being muffled by someones bare chest. 

I calmed down remembering the events of yesterday and realizing it was Harry laying beside me. By my slight movement of jumping back from Harry, he immediately secured his arms around my waist and pulled me tightly close to him.

I snuggled back into his chest, letting his body warm me. I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend. He is amazing and sweet with also a bit of flirtiness. It's the perfect mix.

I snapped from my thoughts as I felt Harry stir so he was eye level with me. His deep green eyes burned into mine and he lightly pecked my lips sending shivers up my spine. 

"Morning Babe," He deeply whispered. His sleepy voice was so cute!

"Morning," I smiled at him, "What do you want to do today?"

"Well I was thinking that maybe we could go on a date tonight?" He asked nervously.

I beamed at his proposal, "Sounds great! What do you wanna do, like go see a movie?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably in the bed and then sat up still staring at me. I sat up curiously wondering what made him move away from me.

"No I mean like a real date, like we spend all day getting ready then I pick you up nervously and we go to a fancy dinner and it's awkward at first but in the end we're both laughing incredibly loud that everyone is telling us to be quiet and then my car breaks down so we have to walk home and then-"

"That sounds perfect Harry," I interrupt him.

He seems taken aback at first by my interruption but he immediately gets a huge smile across his face and pulls me into a tight hug. I automatically settle into his muscular arms and return the hug. 

When we separate, I feel him staring into my blue-green eyes as if he's looking for something. As if he could see right through me. I don't know why but it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable so I just nervously smile and look down at my lap. 

Harry also looks down embarrassed before he speaks again, "Well if we are doing this then I better get home and start getting ready! I'll pick you up at six?"

"Sounds perfect! Six it is!" I exclaim before grabbing his hand and leading him out of my room and downstairs. When we reach the door, he throws on his shirt and shoes and pecks me on the cheek. 

"Bye!" He yells as he walks down my driveway to his car. I wave good bye to him as well then close the door a little too hard than I meant too.

The sudden noise of the door slamming caused a loud scream from Skylee's room to sound. I cursed under my breath then ran upstairs to her room. 

Skylee was squirming angrily in her toddler bed screaming out my name. I swooped her up into my arms and cradled her softly. Her loud screams turned into soft sobs as I rocked her until she finally became silent. I held her slightly away from my chest as I wiped away her tear stained cheeks.

"What we doin today?" Skylee asked in her little baby voice. Crap I completely forgot that I would have to take care of Skylee all day! How am I supposed to get ready for my date now?

Groaning, I carried Skylee into my room so I could grab my phone. When I picked my IPhone up from under my pillow, I immediately pressed speed dial one to call Sky's daycare.

After about 3 rings, the manager answered, "Ducklings Day Care, how may I help you?"

"Hi it's Ashley Depp, I was wondering if I could bring Skylee over?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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