How To Tie A Tie

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It all happened so fast.....

Before I knew it I was standing in the middle of my new apartment in a brand new country.

My dad's company recently became very popular in South Korea. I live alone becasue my dad's company is based in the south end of Seoul and the school I chose to attend was on the north end. I chose SM High School becasude it is one of the best in the country.

In New York I went to the best private school and I was the highest ranked in my class. So when I took the entrance exams for SM High School I Passed easily. I am annoyed though becasude it was going to be my senior year and I was going to be the Student Council President. Now I am in a foregin country.

But, what truly sucks the most is that this school has uniforms which equals skirts which I hate. I'm a skater so I always wear pants. Yeah, I went to a private school and they had uniforms, but they offered pants too. I gratefully accepted them.

South Korea has a kind of obsession with mini-skirts. I tried my uniform on and the skirt doesn't even reach the tips of my fingers when my arms are at my sides!

My uniform had a gray skirt and blazer with a white button up blouse. I also had a red tie which showed that I was a senior. My only problem was that I had was not knowing how to tie a tie! So I just shoved it in my backpack for later.

As I walked out my door a boy, with dyed blond hair, stepped out at the same time. He didn't notice me but he was wearing the same uniform as me so an idea popped into my head as he was about to get on his bike.

"Hi! My name is Min-seo. I just moved in next door" I smiled at him. 'He's cute' I thought.

"Um, I'm Sehun. Its nice to meet you." he said as he slightly bowed his head towards me in respect.

"I know we just met, but I was wondering if we could do a trade-off?" He quirked his eyebrow at me in response so I continued, "If you tie my tie I will give you a ride to school, since we go to the same school."

"You don't know how to tie a tie?" he questioned. I shook my head in response and he chuckled.

"Okay." he said and held out his hand as I fished my tie out of my backpack. He flipped my collar up and proceeded to tie it. "So you're in the same grade as me." Thats when I noticed that his tie matched mine. "What month were you born in?" he asked.

"March." I answered.

He smiled and said, "You're older than me." I hummed in response.

Hey guys! New story! This is one of my favorite stories that I have written. This story is dedicated to ByunBaekiOppa because I told her I would be writing a new story soon.

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