Company's Christmas Party

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*Niall's POV*

I decided to go by myself to the exciting company Christmas party. I'd never really been to one for a job I had. It was always casual with girls or a few of my mates.

Dressed in a dark blue suit, black shoes and a cream tie, I exited my apartment. Walking down a few flights of stairs, I noticed kids playing outside and birds flying by.

My bachelor pad was quite nice and I never really brought women over to it because when I did, they'd always be turned off by my posters of footie ball athletes. I was a major fan of ones from my home country of Ireland and guys from teams in the UK and USA.

Walking towards my Lamborghini XLT Limited, the lock chirped and I slid inside. The engine roared as I turned the ignition and sped off.

As I reached my destination, I noticed the lights and people standing outside. Tate was always into throwing lavish parties for his employees. The hotel, De La Gonza el Romero was paid and owned by Hugh Hefner. The white building once threw parties for the Playboy bunnies.

I stepped out of my vehicle and handed the keys to the valet.

"Take care of my baby. It's quite expensive and if you mess it up, I'll find you." I stared at his name tag. David. I'll remember David's face. I always do. Walking up the red carpet, I went through a set of lavish doors. The place was booming with dance music. You'd expect a party like this to be boring, along with people shuffling their feet to old classical music.

Tate wanted people to have fun and feel free, not stiff. I went to the bar and grabbed a glass of wine. A man named Marc was bartending. I handed him the money and went on my way. I asked him how his night was. It was a great one.

Marc was a married man with twins, a boy and a girl, age 4. His wife, Natalie, was a publicist for Rihanna. I grabbed my glass of wine and shuffled through the crowd of people. Then I saw her. Amanda. She was surrounded by a few other people. I made my way to her. Her long brunette hair was down and curled a bit.

Amanda's curves excentuated her skirt and blouse she was wearing. That ass and those hips. The things I could do to them. My dick couldn't contain itself.

As I settled in beside her, she noticed and smiled. There were a few people surrounding her.

A blonde named Geri and red head named Holly. Holly noticed me and smiled. I was immediately put off by her. I was concentrated on Amanda. Her hazel eyes met my blue ones. They pierced my heart like a knife and made me throb.

"Whose this, Amanda?" Holly asked, curious at my physique. I was immediately put off by her once again. I was drawn to Amanda. She was so beautiful and I wanted her to be mine. Amanda looked at me and spoke.

"This is Niall. He's a new employee where I work. He helps me whenever I don't understand something with a program. We're working on a project together."

Damn right we're working on a project together. It's me working in you on my desk after work.

Amanda went back to talking about work and I headed back to the bar. Marc was still working and there was another guy that was at the bar. I read his name tag. Quentin. I bought the bottle of wine and Marc was back in his place.

"Hey, Marc. You have a good evening." I gave him a $100 bill as a tip for being such a nice guy and he looked at me. "No need to thank me." I sipped out of the wine bottle and headed back to where Amanda was. I poured wine into my glass and watched everyone, swaying and gyrating against each other.

That should be me and you, baby girl. Dammit, my dick couldn't keep quiet. Amanda excused herself as she headed out the double doors. I needed to know where. I shoved the wine glass into Holly's chest and ran after her.

"What an asshole," Holly said as my dick led me to Amanda. I got out into the hallway and seen her skirt as she turned the corner. Left, I thought. Then it hit me. The restroom. I crept to the women's restroom and quietly stepped in.

I made sure that my shoes didn't make a sound as I slowly locked the door. My right foot made a clink against the floor. I winced.

"Whose there?" Amanda's voice rang out. I remembered to stay as quiet as possible. The toilet flushed and she stepped out.

"Niall, what are you doing here?" she said as she went to wash her hands. I stepped closer and Amanda backed up into the corner by the paper towel dispenser.

Amanda immediately put her hands up as I pressed my hips into hers. I grabbed her wrists.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I had to be near you. Don't fight me," I croaked out. My voice roughened and I put my hand on Amanda's thigh. I ran it up and under her skirt. Amanda gasped.

"Niall, what are you doing? I-" she cried. I looked at her and brushed her hair out of her face. I grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. I leaned in closer; my breath hot on her neck.

I slowly put my hand under Amanda's skirt and slid it into her panties. I stroked her clit. A moan escaped her mouth. She was completely helpless. I rocked my hips into hers. My dick was getting hard.

"Niall," Amanda whispered. I put my hand to her lips and she moaned. I pushed my hips harder into hers and gently brushed my fingers across her soft lips. I leaned in, grabbed her chin and kissed her.

I could see her melt before me. Amanda was coming undone and I had to please her. I stuck two fingers into her throbbing pussy. She was already wet. I thrusted slowly inside her. Her breath hitched and I could feel her pulsate.

"Niall...." she quietly said. I leaned in and undid her blouse. Her breasts were a handful. How I loved that. They were just enough, but still beautiful to please.

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