Chapter 1

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Eunha's POV


Why did this have to happen to me? Me especially I haven't done any thing wrong in this world, haven't cussed a single bad word, never talked back, never didn't listen. This has been the worst experience of my life I don't care whoever disagrees this has been the worst day of my life. Yeah I know it's a little silly to be crying over your three year boyfriend who you just found had been cheating on your for half of your relationship. Stupid. Idiot. Yes you can call me all of those.

I pulled my hair in frustration while slamming my body on the seat, I shuffled around since I was on a freaking shaky train of course. I tried to wipe away all my tears, how could have I just found out about this? 3 years we were just about discuss us both going to the same college but now I guess not since that back stabbing loser just broke my heart and the only feelings I had. I sighed while leaning down hiding my face pouring with tears.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder I flung my hair away and looked at the guy next to me and other boys surrounding him but not listening or paying attention. He had a strawberry pocky stick hanging out of his mouth and there was the pink box on his lap. His hand gestures down and I glared down seeing that his hand was holding out a pocky stick.

I easily took it and bite into it.

I chewed while trying to cover my tears away, why would he do this to us? Everything was going fine, it was senior year for gods sake. This was supposed to be the greatest year of our lives finally getting to step into (the diamond life) adult hood, and I wanted to spend it all with him. 3 years, three years, 1,085 days, 26,280 hours, and 1,681,920 minutes and that's all I could do in my head right now. All the time he was seeing another girl, sharing his happy moments with her, making her laugh and giggle just like he did with me. And let me guess he got her the same golden bracelet that had a heart beat bent into it. Unbelievable, I glared at the gold bracelet shining form the light, my face got really upset and ripped it off.

I grumbled and threw it on the floor wanting it to break it but of course it won't ever. My face hid into the palms of my hands, well now I learn to never trust a stupid guy like him. That's it no more dating. No more relationships. No more boys. I mumbled to myself stupid continuously, I was just done with all the boys in this world why do most of them have to suck so badly.

"U-uh are you okay?"

"No." I answered back to whoever asked that question. Does water pouring out your eyes every second and your sobs echoing everywhere sound like I'm okay?

"Sorry. U-Uh." I looked up seeing the same boy again with the same pink pocky stick hanging out of his mouth. His dark hair was combed up by his fingers he was pretty tall too, his mouth went into a small smile lifting his cheeks up while he placed the box of pink snacks in my lap. Is he giving me these? I shook my head and pushed them back to his lap, then I saw the bunch of boys turn around all staring at me. I smiled awkwardly trying to sniffle up whatever was coming out of me right now that was gross, oh my god they all were cute. And flawless skin, so milky and white. I was literally just watching perfection in my eyes. I clutched my red skirt in my hands, I didn't realize I still had my school uniform on.

"Wei's got a crush OoOO." The boy with the sweatband across his head said while shaking his shoulders. They're so many of them this is horrible, I'll never remember them. But I'll remember this guy's name, Wei. Wei.

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