1) not-so-random guy calls at 7 in the morning

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Max was sleeping.  And when Max is sleeping, he does not like to be woken up. Not by his loser roommates or by the girl that he brought home from the club last night. He enjoys sleeping. Some experts say he should be getting 12-14 hours a day.

But, on this early morning (and it is early. Max usually refuses to get out of bed unless there's four numbers on his lock screen.), his annoying marimba ringtone wakes him up at promptly 7 in the morning. He growls into the pillow. He's stretched out in the middle of the bed, his favorite sleeping position. His nose is squished into the pillow. He pats his arm around to see if Carla or Carly or Cassandra or whoever he brought home was still there. She isn't.

That means Max would have to move and pick up his phone. He hopes its not his wimp of a boss. Max works in a butcher shop. His elderly boss has always been afraid of him because of the incident that happened on his first day. Max didn't like to talk about it.

Well, what happened was... It was his first day. Max had just moved to the city because he wasn't in the foster system anymore. He was eighteen and it was time for him to get out into the real world. Not jumping from house to house to house anymore.

He saw a help wanted sign in a lowly butcher shop. He thought that the job would be easy enough. Cut up some carcasses and then get paid for it. Maybe even get some scraps.

Max always loved meat. It really didn't matter where it came from; he would eat anything. He was like a vegetarian but the opposite. (That's also why he despised vegetarians. How can you just eat vegetables when a juicy slab of protein is sitting right in front of you? That thought makes his mouth water.)

So, he got the job. His boss was chill and going into his sixties. He was showing him what he'd be doing in the freezer. Arnold (his boss was so ancient, even his name sounded old) was showing him where the scraps went. Max was confused why he would throw away some of the best parts of pig or cow. When he thought Arnold wasn't looking, he took a small handful. What, he was hungry! His hunger might've gotten the best of him, because Arnold turned around.

"Did you just...eat some of the scraps?" He questioned with a bewildered face.

Max licked his lips. For scraps, they were pretty tasty.

"Yeah. Is that gonna be a problem, old man?" Max retorted. It probably wasn't best to insult your boss on the first day, but that was just who Max was.

"You should be happy you're the only one who has applied," Arnold waggled his wrinkly finger at Max. "Just don't do it in front of me, you weirdo."

Since then, Arnold has tiptoed around Max. It's probably because Max is intimidating. To everyone he meets.

That's why all the girls at the clubs he goes to are surprised when he walks up to them. They can't believe that Max is the one wanting to talk with them, and, more likely, take them home with him.

His roommates were annoyed with that in the beginning. The twerps didn't understand that he has to do something to dampen his animalistic tendencies.

He found their flyer on the same street of where he works. It read, In Need Of Roommate, Must Pay Rent, Must Not Be A Psycho Killer. Max would pay rent and he wasn't a psycho (most of the time) and wasn't a killer (of people). So he called.

When he met the guys in a diner on Main Street, he was surprised. He had never seen such skinny people. (Max was a muscular 225 pounds, thank you very much.)

Dylan was the skinniest and the oldest. He had a passion for World of Warcraft that Max didn't understand in the slightest. Dylan had a girlfriend, but when she came over, all they would do is sit at the computer. Max has never even seen them kiss. He's lived in the apartment for at least 3 years now.

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