Summer Ends

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T/s- Town, States
N/n- Nickname

Stanford! Come help set the table, please!"

With a sigh, I closed the notebook I was doodling in and hopped down from the top bunk. I walked into the kitchen to see Ma and Lee working on lunch, while my dad was reading a newspaper. The plates and silverware were stacked in a messy pile on the table in front of him. Slightly nervous, I walked up to them and set a plate down closer to him. He looked at me from above his newspaper and gave me a curt nod before returning to his reading.

Stifling a sigh, I continued to set the table, leaving an extra plate beside mine. Once I was finished I sat down in my seat and played with my hands. A knock on the door sent Lee and I rushing out of the room.

Being the more fit twin, he beat me to greeting (y/n). She followed him into the living room, dressed in pink capris with an army green shirt. Her (h/c) hair was tied back in a beautiful braid (if your hair is short then it's pulled back with a headband). She gave me a happy wave and I smiled back.

I followed them into the kitchen, where Lee took my seat to sit by (y/n). I reluctantly sat across from them as we waited for Ma to serve us. Once everything was set on the table we dug in. Lunch was alright, a casual and slightly boring conversation between (y/n) and Ma occupying the silence.

It didn't get awkward until the very end, when dad piped up, surprising everyone at the table. He calmly put his newspaper down and cleared his throat, getting all of our attention.

"Where did you say you were from, kid?"


"And your going to school here when the summer ends?"

"Yes sir."

"How old are you?"


"Eighth grade?"

"Yes sir."

"What do you like to do?"

"I normally draw in my spare time."


"Yes sir. It's one of the few things I'm good at. It feels natural and I hope I can make something out of it."

He gave her a curt nod, thinking over the answers she had given him. "Well it was nice to meet you." And with that he stood up, grabbed his newspaper, and left the kitchen.

My brother and I exchanged worried looks before I looked over at our guest. (Y/n) was sitting quietly, finishing up her meal, totally unfazed by what just happened. "Sorry about him dear. He is quite, well, frank." Ma said, shrugging the tiniest bit.

"It's alright. My dad is the same way. I'm already used to it." She explained, staring down at her plate as she did. Silence came back and we all stayed that way until Ma suggested we show her around the house. Lee and I happily agreed and began the tour.


"And this, is our room!" Lee said proudly, pushing open the door and walking inside. A bunk bed where the twins slept occupied the back wall while the their stuff was scattered everywhere. "Sorry it isn't in the greatest state! Someone refused to help me clean." Ford confessed, glaring at his brother.

Drawings of creatures and posters covered the walls, but the one that stood out the most was marked by two handprints, one labeled Stanford and the other labeled Stanley. Cute. A blanket strung over a clothes line made into a fort, the words Fort Stan scribbled on it with sharpie, was pushed against the same wall. The books and toys laying randomly on the ground was slightly annoying, but it didn't bother me too much.

I sat down on the floor, beside the fort, and picked up a pocket knife. Flipping it open, I watched Lee flop across the bottom bunk while Ford sat across from me. "I hope you know are battle from yesterday isn't over (n/n). I will be the ruler of that cave."


"Yeah! It suits you."

"Whatever ya dork. And I'm going to win because I've got a weapon this time!" I swung the pocket knife through the air a few times, causing Ford to take it away from me. Crossing my arms, I began to pout while he laughed at me. "Sorry, but I'd rather not get cut today."

I rolled my eyes. "Way to take the fun out of it Ford." His eyes widened, but he quickly shook his head at me. We all went quiet for a few minutes before Ford spoke up again. "So, (y/n), your going to school in town right, considering it starts in about a week."

"Ugh! Way to nerd it up Stanford! We are trying to enjoy the end of summer."

"Sorry! I was just curious. You can't avoid school forever Lee, summer always ends."

"Shut up, Poindexter!"

"Okay, geez!"

"As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted..."


This is your Captain speaking! Sorry for such a short chapter! This is more of a filler anyways! Next one will be out soon!

~ Captain

Aeipathy (Ford x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora