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The first few months went by quickly, and by the time it was Christmas I had already turned fourteen. Of course I had celebrated it with just the twins, and Phoebe, who had become a part of our 'knightly fellowship' as Lee called it. She was officially proclaimed the rogue, good or bad, it depended on her mood.

Now we were hidden away in our cave, avoiding the cold snow outside. I was perched atop the infamous rock pile, Phoebe and Lee fighting below me as I cheered them on. Ford was slowly making his way to me while our rogue was making a distraction. After a few more minutes, Lee reluctantly surrendered.

"It's no fair!" He exclaimed as Ford and I made our way down the rocks. "I'm always out numbered and I always loose!"

"Well, villains never win anyway." I stated, crossing my arms.

"Shut up. It's not like you do anything anyways. You just sit up on those stupid rocks and boss us around!"

"Hey! It's not my fault you guys made me the princess."

"At least we are doing something, oh useless damsel in distress! Your nothing more than a prize while your up there."

I could feel myself becoming upset inside. Being called useless was something I had heard several times, but not from Lee. I stayed silent while he kept going.

"You know what's funny? It wouldn't matter if you were here or not, the game would never change. We could just use our imaginations and there could still be a princess. Heck! We could replace you with anyone and it would all be the same!"

"R-replace me?"

"Yeah. Replace you." He crossed his arms and looked away. "You could leave right now and there would be no difference."

I sniffled slightly, catching his attention. "F-fine." I mumbled before grabbing my coat and running outside. Behind me, Ford and Phoebe shouted for me to come back. Why should I? They could just replace me anyways...

A shiver ran down my spine as I gripped my coat tighter and I slowed to a walking pace. Why does it have to be so freaking cold? A hand grabbed my arm and a yelp escaped me.

"Ford! You scared the crap out of me!"

"S-sorry, but I can't just let you wander around in the snow. Come on, at least let me take you home!"

"F-fine!" I stuttered, my teeth chattering. "My p-parents aren't home th-though. Neither is my brother/sister..."

He nodded before taking his scarf off and wrapping it around me. I could already tell my face was pink when he grabbed my hand and led me through the snow. I buried my face in the warm fabric and waited to be in the comfort of my own home.

When we finally arrived to the restaurant, I led Ford upstairs and into the living room. I wandered to a closet and pulled out a large fluffy blanket as he sat down on the couch and removed his shoes. Quickly, I handed it to him before searching for the remote. As I looked around, I was tackled by a large fluffy beast.

We rolled to the floor I was trapped in Ford's embrace, both of us surrounded by the blanket. I noticed how dangerously close we were, but the thought disappeared as fast as it had appeared when he began to laugh. A giggle bursted from me as well and we simply stayed there, hugging on the floor, a blanket draped over us as we tried to control our fit of laughter.

After it died down we looked at each other. Our noses were touching and goofy smiles were plastered on our faces. Without thinking, I placed a small kiss on his nose before jumping up with the blanket and diving on to the couch. Ford stayed on the floor, very surprised.

"I found the remote..." I said casually, acting as if I had been looking for it the entire time.

He silently stood up after a few minutes and joined me. The brunette pulled the blanket over us both and grabbed my hand. His extra finger was awkward to hold, but certainly worth it. I leaned into his shoulder and turned the tv on. He tensed up at the contact, but soon relaxed.

We sat there in happy silence and something inside me happened. It's hard to describe, but it was bubbly and warm. Quite enjoyable. All the bad thoughts from earlier left my head and I could only focus on the something surround the two of us. I could totally get used to this.

Aeipathy (Ford x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن