Chapter 1: The fight

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Hi everyone!! Sorry for bad english in this book but I (who have write this story) is from Sweden and I'm not expert on english yet.. But I'm going to be :) please no hate :)
David looked around on the school and walked slowly to the next lesson. Math, he hated math. On the way he saw a gang beat one boy from his class. He walked to them and put his hand on ones shoulder.
"You? Stop!" David said and the person turned around. The boy who had been beated kicked down one person and ran away.
David saw his chance to run too and ran after him. When he come closer he saw it was Pierre from his class.
"Pierre!" he said and Pierre stopped. Pierre looked confused at him.
"Yes." he answered.
"Wich was them?" Pierre looked down at the ground.
"You know it's Frank and his gang. Who are you? Are you new here?" Pierre said.
"My name is David and I have going on this school around three years now."
Pierre nodded.
"My name is Pierre and thank you for saved me from Franks gang!"
"No problems!" David answered and Pierre rolled his eyes.
"No problems?! If you have stayed in Franks way once he see you as a enemy!"
"Thanks for this fact!" David said and looked down at the ground. "What do you do on your freetime?" David asked to lighten the mood.
"I sing in a band who is called Simple Plan but we need a bassist.. Do you know someone who is relly good on bass?" Pierre said as he started to walk to his lesson. David ran up to him and walked beside.
"I have played bass for five years and likes to sing too! Maybe I can play in your band?" David asked and Pierre smiled.
"Yes! It is going to be awesome!!" he stopped and wrote a number on a paper. "I have to go to my lesson now but here you have my number!"
David tooked the paper and layed it in his pocket.
After that he ran to his mathlesson. The time walked very slowly but when the day had end he ran home. When he come home he called Pierre who answered after two signals.
"Hey it's Pierre"
"Hi it's David. You know the boy who saved you from Franks gang?"
"Yeah! Hi mate how are you?"
"Good though... You said I should call you."
"Yes if you meet me with the store I can show you to my home and show you the studio!"
"Fun!! Now?"
"Yeah why not?"
David put on his shoes and ran to the store. He was happy to finally find a friend. With the store Pierre already stood and David waved to him.
"Hi David!" Pierre said and waved back. "My house is the white there you see!"
Pierre pointed his finger. David looked and smiled.
"Come on I want to see the studio!!" David said and Pierre laughed.
They walked to Pierres house and Pierre showed David to the garage. Pierre unlocked the door and they went in.
"Here is our studio!!" Pierre screamed and jumped around in the garage. David smiled.
In the garage where one drumset, two guitars, three mics, one bass and one mixer. It was a lot of place in the garage and the instruments looked cheap but David liked it.
"Where are the another guys in the band?" David asked when he started the bass.
"Home." Pierre answered short. "But if you want I can call them so you can meet them here?"
"Yes it would be fun!" David smiled and played some hard solos on the bass.
"Whoa you're good on bass!!" Pierre said when he had called everyone.
"Thank you!" David said and started to play holiday with Green Day and sang.
Pierre smiled.
"Welcome to Simple Plan, David!"
Then someone got in to the garage and David looked on the boy who come in.
"Hey who is this Pierre?" The boy had brown hair and looked kind.
"It's David! Our new bassist! And David this is Charles!"
"You can only call me Chuck!" The boy walked to the drums and played a little solo with the drumsticks. Ten minutes later two boys got in.
"Jeff and Sebastien it's David, our new bassist! David it's Jeff and Sebastien!"
When the two boys had got two guitars Pierre gave everyone a paper with notes. Then when everybody had checked the paper everyone started to play together. David liked his new friends a lot and think it not could be better..
They played until it got dark and everyone had to go home.
"Thank you Pierre for, yeah you know!" Pierre smiled.
"No problems mate! See you at school tomorrow!"
David waved and walked home. He was happy and thought nothing could kill his happiness.. But when he was halfway home someone took he on his shoulder. David turned around and saw in Franks eyes.
"Hey I think I recognize you.." Frank said and looked in Davids eyes."Yeah you saved Pierre Bouvier earlier today right?"
David didn't say anything. Out of nowhere a fist met his face. David fell to the ground and felt then a kick in his back. Someone took his hair and drag he up on feet.
"Don't stay in my way again!" Frank said and pushed him away.
Blod flowed from his nose and his head hurt. He walked home the last way and his mom helped him to clean.
"You're a stupid kid! Don't fight! You know how it goes!!"
David tried to explain but his mom didn't listen.
When David walked to bed, he was tired and his head hurt. But he fell asleep fast and slept one dreamless sleep.

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