Chapter One~ Where Are We?

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Evanlyn's POV

I watched as the clock ticked slower and slower by the second. Then, three more second, two, one.


School is out! Bye homework and stupid stuff and hello Summer!

I quickly packed my bag and ran to the front of the school where i was meeting my other friends, Cassandra, Dan, and Phil. To tell you the truth, I sorta have a crush on Dan... Anyways, I ran up to the and Dan gave me a great hug.

"Ready for summer?" He asked with the biggest grin on.

"Totally!" I replied.

All of a sudden there was a huge blast of wind.

"Whoa, we need to get into the school just in case it rains!"Cassandra yelled over the rain.

I might as well introduce myself and the rest of the guys. 

My name is Evanlyn, I am 15 years old, I live in London, England. I have very dark brown hair, the tips are lighter.I have brown eyes and I would say I have a very good eye sight. I am about 5'4 feet tall. It not very tall but I don't care.

The girl's name is Cassandra, She's also 15, live with me in our apartment, blond, pretty, green eyes, She's about 5'5 feet.

Dan is his name, his full name is Daniel. 16 years old, lives in London, England with Phil. Brown hair, bangs, brown eyes and I have no idea how tall he is...

Phil is the other guy's name, his full name is Philips. 16 years old, too. Lives with Dan. Black hair, bangs and I also don't know how tall he is...

Now that I had described everybody, we are now all inside the school looking through the front windows.

"When do you think it will end?" Phil asked nervously.

"I don't know." I replied. "Let's be prepared. I have snacks."

"Then give me one!" Cassandra exclaimed.

"Here." I said handing here a granola bar lamely.

She looked at the wrapper and started to read it.

"Oh!" Cassandra exclaimed excitedly.

"What?" We all ask at the same time.

"It's chocolate chip." She replied.

Dan and I face-palmed while Phil just laughed.

"Well, I'm going to sleep." I said yawning. The rest of the guys also yawned and joined me in the lounge where the couches are. I soo  dozed off


Still Evanlyn's POV

There was a sound... it sound like hooves beating against the ground. Wait hooves? I jerked up. I realized that we were not in the lounge anymore. We're outside. I turn to see the rest of them still asleep. I shook Cassandra.

"What?! What do you mean there is not more cookies?" She mumbles in her sleep.

I mentally face-palmed as I shook her harder.

"Cassandra." I said.

"But I need cookies..." Cassandra continued to mumble in her sleep.

"CASSANDRA!" I yelled.

"COOKIES!" She yelled jerked up. Then she looked at me with the evil eye."What?!"

"Look at where we are." I said lifting my arms and showing her. "I am going to wake up Dan and Phil. C'mon." I walled over where Dan and Phil were laying. Phil snored as i shook him.

"Phil?" I shook him some more.

"Rawr..." He mumbled, too. Seriously what is it with everyone talking in their sleep?

"Phil!" I yelled.


What the fuck is is a Halloween Graveyard? I really need to find some time to watch their videos.

I walked over to Dan sleeping in a ball.

"Dan." I shook him, like the rest.

"Llamas..."He mumbles.

Okay Seriously WTF! They all mumble in their sleep.

"Wake up! For crying out loud!" I yelled.

"Am I late?! Oh SHIT!" Dan yelled.

"Dan! Nobody's late."Cassandra said behind me.

"There it is again." I said.

"What?" Phil asked.

"The horse hooves."I replied

Just as I said it, four big brown horses appeared and started to charge towards us.

The horses came closer until they were in front of us.

"Are you Evanlyn?" The man asked in his helmet, pointing at me.

I don't know how he got my name but replied to him."Yes, that's me."

"Then you must be Cassandra. And you are Phil and you are Dan. Am I correct?" He continued.

We all nodded.

"Then you must come with me. Each of you guys hop on one of the horses that have a knight on them."He commanded.

I went up to the nearest horse as the knight held out his had to help me up. He didn't have his helmet on so I could see what he looked like. Blue eyes, tossed hair and he looked 18 or so. How can he be so young? I looked behind me, all my friends were seated and Dan was look at the guys was riding with a mean look. I wonder what has happened to him. When he saw me looking at him he stopped. I wrapped my arms around his stomach, well around his armor. Then he called his horse to start moving. I was glad it wasn't a fast ride, just a simple trot. As we were on the horse he strated a conversation.

"I'm Nickolas, Knight apprentice. I bet your Evanlyn, right?" He started.

"Yeah. Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure." He replied.

"How do you guys know our names?" I asked.

"I-I-I don't know that's not a question to ask me, Sir Issac maybe. He runs the protectors of Redmont."

"Is that what this place is called?"I asked.


We came to a stop as Nickolas got off then help me get off.

"I hope you have a wonderful day, ma'mn." He bowed. I nodded once.

Iran to my friends as the started to go into the castle. When we reached there, there were guards.

"Ugh, how are we going to pass them?"I asked Phil quietly.

"Brownies. I don't know." He shrugged.

When we reached them they put their staffs that had a sharp thingy at the end together to make a ' X '.

"How go there?" One of them ask.

"I'm Evanlyn. That is Cassandra, Dan and Phil." I replied.

Once they heard our name they quickly bowed to us and one said, "Please continue." Then opened the grand doors to the castle.

There was a built man. Towering maybe 6'5 feet.

"Welcome apprentices." He greeted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, apprentices?" Dan asked.

"Is that why we are here?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes." The built man replied. "My name is Issac, but please call me Sir Issac."

"So why are we here then?" Phil asked.

"Actually you guys were summoned."

The Apprentices*ON HOLD AGAIN... SORRY*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora