What Should We Name the story?

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"Ugh, why can't guys in this school be sweet and good looking?" says my best friend Kristina. She makes an annoying sound and looks around the cafeteria.

"We would never be that lucky, Kris." replies my other friend Melanie, joining her in scanning the room.

"That would be great guys, but I just wish that we'd have more bad boys around here." I say. See, I have a major thing for bad boys. I like a little edge every now and then. Sometimes that can get me in a bit of trouble, but I can't help what I like. 

They turn around and give me a look like, you're crazy and I stick my tongue out at them.

We all laugh and continue eating breakfast. Unlike most girls, who starve themselves, we actually like to eat food. 


"So what guy do you have your eye on, Melanie?" Kris says dodging people in the hallway.

She narrows her eyes in thought.

"Ermm, I don't know, a blonde would be nice." she says laughing.

As she looks over at us, she doesn't notice a boy with the most beautiful blonde hair passing her. He accidently bumps into her shoulder making her stop abruptly. 

Kris and I both stop to see what is going on.

The boy stopped along with her and they are just standing there looking at each other.

He's quite attractive, stunning blue eyes, gorgeous body , and has an amazing cheeky charm to him.

"Umm, I'm really sorry for bumping into you, love" says the tall, nicely built boy, biting his lip as if checking her out.

Melanie smiles and blushes. "I-It's fine don't worry about it."

She starts walking again and Kris and I follow.

"OMG if you don't tap that I will!" I say laughing.

Melanie makes an astonished face and hits me playfully in the arm making us all laugh even harder.

"Shut up! That was just a coincidence." She pauses. "Although he was completely gorgeous." she finishes blushing again.

We all giggle and continue walking down the hall to our classrooms.


The girls wouldn't stop talking to me, which makes me a little late for class. Great.

When I get to the door Mr. Chance is standing at the board writing something. Hopefully he won't notice me walk in and he hasn't taken roll yet.

I quickly look aroud the classroom for an available seat.

The only place to sit in the back next to a boy who I haven't seen before. That's surprising. I thought I knew everyone. 

I shrug and shuffle quickly to the back of the room.

The boy looks up when I get to the desk.

"Is this seat taken?" I say trying to be polite.

The beautiful mystery guy shakes his head shyly.

I set my books on the desk and take my seat.

This boy is actually kinda pretty. He acts shy, so he probably isn't my type, but he is still good looking.

"Miss Sofranec . Nice of you to join us." says a powerful voice from the front of the room.

I murmur a curse word, knowing I've been caught.

"Sorry, Mr. Chance. It won't happen again." I say hopeful that he doesn't give me detention.

"Oh, I know it won't." he replies not turning around, his attention still on the board. 

The whole class turns and gives me a look like 'ohhh, burn.' I just give them a look in return mentally telling them to mind their own business.

The beautiful boy beside of me starts to tap to a familiar sounding beat. As he keeps tapping, the song keeps getting more familiar my the second.

Then it hits me.

Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber.

A guy in my school actually likes Justin? What?

"Beauty and a Beat. Right?" I say kind of excited because of the Boy Belieber.

He immediately stops tapping the beat and freezes as if he has been caught doing something bad.

"Umm, yeah. N-not many guys like him. But, he's pretty cool." he stutters with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I love him! There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't worry." I smile.

He smiles and goes to say something but is cut off.

"Okay. Today I am going to be pairing you into groups of two to do a project." says the voice of my teacher. "You will have to do a project on a nebula in outer space. Now, we have been going over these type of things for over a week now, you should have a pretty good idea of what they are and stuff by now. You have to choose a nebula to do your project. Or you could compare two nebulas. Either will be fine."

Ugh. Great.

"The project will be due in about two weeks. I will have an exact date set by tomorrow. Now let's see who I can get paired up."

He looks around the room.

"Joan Barker and Raymond Trace. George Marley and Marie Thompson. Cameron Byrd and Joe Higgs. Umm. Makayla Sofranec , you can be with your new little friend here Tyler Wilson." he laughs and continues the list.

I look over at the boy who is apparently Tyler Wilson. 

Well, he's a boy Belieber so this can't be that bad can it?

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