Part 2- BillDip

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I'm gonna regret becoming trash for this. Credit for the image goes to Miss-NoIdentity on deviantart. I claim no ownership of the art whatsoever. Bill is human in this. Also, Dipper and Bill are the same age in this, Dipper is just smol.

Also, TW: Depression/mention of self harm


~Bill's POV~

I was wondering around the Mystery Shack when I stopped suddenly, tilting my head. I thought I had heard a snivel. After a few seconds, I shrugged and kept walking, only to stop again a millisecond later, hearing the same noise. I concentrated, moving towards the noise as it grew louder. I stopped outside the Pines' twins room, and I stared at the door. Should I go in or... Oh, what am I thinking. I'm gonna try to help whoever's in there. I opened the door slightly, poking my head in. The sound was coming from the bathroom, and it sounded like Dipper, but why would pine tree be crying? I walked over to the door, listening at the door. I heard the toilet flush, and refreshed sobs came from the door. I opened the door quietly and looked in. My little pine tree was sitting on the toilet, face buried in hands, and quietly sobbing. I was confused as to why he was crying, until I saw the slight red on his arms. My eyes widened, and I burst into the room, scooping the smaller into a tight hug. I heard the other gasp, then stammer, "B-Bill? W-What is it?" I didn't reply, just nestled my neck into the crook of his neck. "Please don't do that...." I murmured, and I know he heard me because he started sobbing all over again. He returned the hug, burying his face in my neck. "B-Bill.... I-I'm so sorry..." he said, sobbing. I pulled away. "Hey... It's okay pine tree..." I cooed, trying to comfort him. He just kept crying, trying to force words out but failing. I got slightly ticked off and lifted his chin so he was looking at me. "Oh Dipper, don't you see? You are loved." I said, then leaned forward and connected our lips, feeling  a rush of daring and heat. I felt my pine tree tense up, then relax. I pulled away, smiling. "I love you, Dipper." I said, giving him a small, hopeful smile. He gave me a watery smile, and wiped his eyes. "I-I love you too Bill." he said, beginning to laugh. I chuckled, turning around. "Now, let's get you cleaned up." I said, but then stopped short when I saw Soos, Wendy, Mabel, and Stan standing there with their jaws hanging open. "How long have you guys been there?" I asked slowly, still reaching for the bandages. I grabbed them and turned back around, still waiting for an answer. My little pine tree was bright red, which made me smile. I crouched down slightly and began wrapping his arms. "Well?" I asked, wanting an answer. I heard Wendy clear her throat as I moved on to Dipper's other arm, not bothering ot look up. "W-Well.... Long enough to see you kiss him. I was walking around and noticed you were following a sound of some kind, so I followed you. Turns out we were all following each other." she said, and I heard the rest of the group hum. "A-huh. And do any of you care that I'm gay? Because if you do I'll go." I said, turning to face them. "N-No... Bill, please don't go..." Dipper said quietly, tugging on my arm. I shushed him gently, pulling him in next to me. "N-No! No one has a problem with it... This is just- a bit- surprising, is all. We'll get used to it. Eventually." she said, and I could hear the disbelief in her voice. I just snickered. "Well, that'd better be fast," I said, snapping my fingers, teleporting all them out into different parts of the shack. "because I have a feeling this one is gonna last." I shouted the last part, and they all groaned. "B-Bill... Thank you..." my pine tree said, and I smile softly at him. "No problem, my pine tree." I said, giving him a kiss on the head. This was gonna be fun.

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