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Art is not mine. I got the idea from smileforthee

Thanks for letting me use your idea!

~Skylar's POV~

"Okay Lacie, that's it. You're sick." I said, slamming my book shut. My friend was sitting in front of the fire, shivering. "Wha- No! I'm fine!" she protested, attempting to stand up, but immediately crumpling under her own weight. I darted forward and caught her, holding her upright. "You're sick. We're going to bed." I said firmly, scooping her up and bringing her back to the room we shared in college. I deposited my friend into her bed, then watched worriedly as her friend wrapped herself in blankets, but was still shivering. I glanced around, then sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead. I quickly pulled it back, she was burning up. I pulled off my shirt and got in beside her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. I frowned. A few seconds earlier she had been burning up, but now I might as well have been holding a block of ice against my body. I shrugged it off, pulling her closer. She let out a content sigh, relaxing into my embrace.

Skylar's late night ship one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now