Chapter Two:Outside

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I woke up from my peaceful slumber, as everything from yesterday poured back into my head. I got up, and swung my legs from the side of the bed. I looked at the foot of my bed. There was a light pink sundress, a small pink flower hair ornament, and knee length tights. On the floor were black flats.
I changed into them, thankful for the new set of clothes. I looked in the mirror, and brushed my hair with a nearby comb. I left my hair down, as I didn't know what else to do with it. One last look into the mirror, I looked presentable. I made my bed, folded my old clothes, which was just a beige knee length dress and flats, and opened the door.
As I wandered down hallways, I got lost in the maze of hallways of the airship. My breathing started to quicken. I've had an irrational fear of being alone for long periods of time my whole life. I picked up the pace, desperately to find anyone.
I turned a sharp corner to collide with someone. Thankfully, I didn't fall on my behind this time. I looked up to see the curious eyes of Yogi watching me. "G-good morning, Yogi" I greet him quietly, slightly hanging my head.
"Mornin' Nina" he says happily, slinging an arm across my small shoulders, and we start walking down another hall. At least I was with someone and wasn't alone anymore.
"Can I ask, why were you running down the hall?" He asks after a good amount of silence. There is a heavy feeling in my chest. My nose tingles and my eyes prickle with tears forming.
"I-I don't want to be left alone. By myself. I-" I was cut off when Yogi turned and hugged me. My face was buried in his chest, which was a good thing for me, as my face was heating up.
"Don't worry! I won't ever leave you alone again, okay? Big brother Yogi will keep you company, and you can always talk to me" he gushes, rubbing his cheek back and forth into my hair.
"O-okay" I mumble. "Awwwwwww!!so cute~!!!!!!" He squeals and crushes me in a bear hug. He lets go of me after a while of standing there, but then grabs my wrist and leads me down to the end of the hall, where he opened the door, to see the cafeteria. People lined up with their trays, others sat on couches and spoke with one another. A girl with a pretty face and long curly blonde pigtails walked towards us with three trays of food in hand, well, she had one in each hand, and other on her head.
She gave me and Yogi a tray of food each, then reached to the top of her head to get her tray, and motioned for us to follow her.
"Oh yeah! Tsukumo, you were away when Nina arrived, right?" He asked her. She nods. "Okay then! Tsukumo, this is Nina-chan,Nina, this is Tsukumo, another wonderful person who works in Karneval" he introduces us. I smile and nod at her, she does the same.
We are lead to another room, where we see multiple couches, and on one of them, Nai was waving us over. We sat down and they spoke while taking bits of food in between their conversations, while I just sat there, munching on bread as I listened to them.

Hirato walks into the room, and tips his hat slightly at me. "Miss Nina, you are in need of being tested for Varuga, so we are going to have you switch ships to the Circus First Ship after you have finished your meal". I nod. I quickly drink the milk, and finished the applesauce in the small crystal bowl. When I put down the spoon, a small herd of sheep appeared and took my tray, and everyone else's too.

"Sheep?" I ask, wondering why they have robotic sheep on the ship. Hirato answered me. "They are little 'helpers' on this ship, as well as a small portion of our defense system. They are called Hitsuji".

I nodded again, now feeling how small I am compared to this organization. "Yogi, Nina, come along now. Tsukumo, please take Geraki and Nai outside for some fresh air. The morning breeze is rather refreshing" Hirato asks her, she nods. Yogi gets up and lightly grabs my arm.
"Let's go,Nina-chan" he urges me. I get up along with him.
"W-wait! Hirato, she'll be safe ,right?" Nai asks worriedly. "I assure you she'll be fine" he motioned us to follow him.
--------------------Time Skip Brought To You By.............Geraki himself!-----------------------
I stepped outside, and there was another huge red airship a ways off, landing. I watched as the ship glided smoothly onto the grass, making wind that blew my hair back. It was more golden than silver in the sunlight.
A tall man with pink hair and dazzling eyes was walking towards us, accompanied by a few other....nurses? So he was a doctor. That explained the white coat and clipboard.
"Nina, meet Akari, our First Airships finest Doctor". He introduced me to the doctor. "So, Hirato, this is the kid?" He points at me with the end of his pen. Hirato nods.
He leans down a bit to get to eye level with me. "Nina was it? Pretty name. I'm Dr.Akari, we will just be running a few tests, alright?" He says nicely. I look down, slightly because of close his face was, and that a light crimson had sprinkled onto my cheeks.
"A-alright" I mumble, staring at the green grass.
"This will be an interesting string of tests" he says to himself. "Anyway, you'll be staying at the First Airship for the night". Dr.Akari places his hand in the small of my back, and leads me to the ship from which he came.
"Wait! Hirato, please let me go too!" I hear Yogi beg. "You know you canno-" "pllleeeaaassseeeeeeeeee?" Yogi begged. I heard Hirato sigh, and mutter "fine".
In no less than two seconds, Yogi had slung an arm around my shoulders. I didn't look up, but looked right ahead, but I could sense that the two adults (does Yogi count as an adult?) were staring
eachother down, and sending glares over my head.

Sorry it took so long! I couldn't make the words needed for this chapter, but I got them, and I have a lot of school and pressure is rising! I will try to update at the earliest possible times. Thank you for sticking with me and reading this!

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