Chapter 16

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song of chapter: Omen by Disclosure ft. Sam Smith

Laura stretched her arms while yawning in the process. She rubbed her eyes and groaned, slowly getting up to take notice of her surroundings. The pillows were on the floor, the sheets were all over the place, Ross was sleeping next to her. . .wait, what?

She yelped and hopped off of the bed, staring wide-eyed at the boy in front of her. Why was he sleeping in the same bed as her? Weren't there two beds in the motel after all? Her eyes went over to the other bed to see that it was neatly made.

Did he even go to sleep in that bed? Did he decide that it was best if he shared a bed with her? Why would he even do that? He knew that she had acted weirdly when the man behind the counter said that there were no more rooms to spare.

She helped herself up, slowly leaning her head in to get a better look at Ross's face. He was sound asleep with a small smile playing on his face. His hair was covering his eyes, and if you leaned in any closer, you could definitely tell that he was snoring. But it was quiet, really quiet.

Leaning away from him, she smiled and ruffed her hair. The only thing that was bothering her was the fact that he didn't even sleep in his own bed, considering how defensive he was acting when the man behind the counter told them that there was only one room left.

Maybe he had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. . . ? No, that's cliché and stupid. She couldn't think of any other reason why he would just decide out of the blue to come sleep in the same bed as her. As if he didn't already know that she liked her personal space.

Her hand came up to her forehead and she started to rub her temples. Should she wake him up and confront him herself? Or should she just patiently wait for him to wake up and ask him anyways? She shrugged her shoulders and decided it was best to wait, who knows? Maybe he was one of those people that get really grumpy if someone wakes them up.

She decided to go take a shower and get ready in the meantime. I mean, it was the only thing that spared some time while she waited for the blonde boy to wake up. She slowly walked to she shower and yawned, making sure to lock the door this time.

It was already bad enough that he showed up lying next to her in bed. The last thing she wanted was for him to walk in on her naked. He had already seen her in just a towel.

Wow. She chuckled and started to turn on the shower and take off her clothes. They barely knew each other, it was probably only a week and half since they've known each other, yet he's already seen her in just a towel and sleeping in the same bed together. This escalated quickly.

She stepped inside of the shower and pulled the curtains. She heard some movement from outside of the bathroom door. . . Ross must already be awake. She had the urge to quicken the time under the shower, but it's no nice and relaxing, she just couldn't bring herself to it.

After a good three minutes under the shower and washing her hair wet, she turned it off and stepped out of the shower. She wrapped one towel around her body and one around her hair. Before she could open the door, realization hit her like a thousand bricks.

She doesn't have extra clothes with her. The clothes that she had earlier were the only clothes that she had with her. Maybe with the money that she has spared, she could ask Ross to buy her a dress or something down at the gift shop?

Then a few more bricks hit her when realization struck once again. She would have to go out there -in only a towel- and ask Ross to buy her something. Sure, she could always ask from behind the door, but it was always so muffled whenever you tried to hear someone from behind the door.

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