The Military

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//AUTHOR'S NOTE/ Okie dokie, you guys are gonna have to start helping me out. If you can, please point out any major plot holes. See, I started this when it was still fresh in my mind, but it's been awhile. Thanks!/

   Wandering the halls behind Roy, Allen was confused. He wasn't lost purely because he stuck to Roy's heels. He even almost stepped on them.

    'Why are there so many hallways and no maps? How many people have gotten lost at this place?' He thought.
Timcanpy was still sleeping in his jacket pocket from the interrogation with Roy, so he couldn't record the way out of this place. He was doomed.

    What neither noticed was that Allen was a little lost in thought, which got him a little lost in the East City Capital.

    "Am I... LOST?!!!" Allen was lost, in a country he didn't know about, based on the military. He could simply step wrong and end up on a watch-list of some sort.

   'Ahh! Where did Roy go?' Allen thought a little panicky. 'I could ask for directions, they don't seem that mean...'
Allen walked over to a man with wide glasses and black hair. He noticed -as a side note- that he wasn't very tall either. A small puppy was pacing happily to him.

   'He reminds me of Johnny...' Allen thought sadly. "Excuse me." Allen poked the man's shoulder. "Sorry, is there something you need?" He asked
   "Did you see Roy? I got lost." Allen admitted quietly.
   "You mean the Colonel? I didn't see him but I can take you to his office, will that be alright?"
   "Yes, thank you so much."
   "It's fine, people get lost here all the time" he said as they began to walk toward Mustang's office.
   "Thanks again sir." Allen thanked him politely as they made their way up a flight of stairs.
   "It's Fuery, Sergeant Kain Fuery." He stuck out his hand.
   "Allen Walker sir." Allen shook Fuery's hand and they both continued upstairs.

   When they finally made it to Mustang's office, sadly and expectantly, it was empty. "Huh." Fuery said quietly.

   "Damn it!!" A certain black haired colonel cursed when he became aware that a certain teen was no longer tailing him. This meant that he would have to search for the poor kid.

   Allen waited for a long while by Mustang's office, smiling to the friendly looking soldiers that walked past. No one really asked him about why he was standing there, some gave him slightly confused looks but continued on. Then, a thunderous boom shook the walls around them. He pulled Tim out of his pocket and shook him lightly. Tim was about to nip Allen's fingers when a second and third boom shook the building.

   Whatever it was, it was getting closer.

   Allen saw soldiers of various ranks full on sprinting into action. He had an aching feeling as to what it was outside. Then, his scar began to ache as his left left eye activated. Said eye dilated as a large gear formed as a smaller one stuck to its outer edge. His eye had then become completely black with to red irises.


   Allen raced to the window to observed the scene. Akuma, his enemy, were devastating the city. Smoke billowed as they littered the streets and clouded the air. He jumped out the window, paying absolutely no mind to the fact that he was several stories in the air.

   "Innocence, activate!" He said as was about to land on a giant metallic balloon, at least, that's what it looked like from an outsider's perspective.

   'Akuma, but why here?' Allen thought as he slashed through the level one. The weapon he used do this with was simply his left hand. However, his hand and arm had changed. The hand itself was now pitch black with a stark white cross in the back and his fingers were elongated into sharp claws that more resembled blades. Up to his elbow was completely black and stopped at his elbow where a white cloth began. This extended and covered him with a cape and other sleeve. It fit him nicely with a mask connecting two ends of the hood around his neck. The silver mask shown brightly in the afternoon sun as he dashed around.

    "EXORCIST, DIE!!" A bulbous level two shouted as it dashed toward Allen as he landed. He dodged, knowing that he had too much to deal with to save one Akuma soul at a time.

   "Cross Grave!" Allen shouted and all the level ones had large white crosses form on them. They were destroyed in a violent explosion of smoke as a chorus of voices only Allen could hear thanked him. He charged toward the level two which had been injured in his previous attack and slashed across it with his clawed hand.

   As it dispersed, he heard chuckling from behind him. Turning around he caught sight of a level three as it shot into the air. Seconds later it crashed into the ground, Allen dodging it narrowly.  It stood and floated back into the air. Allen stood straight and his hand reverted back to normal as he pulled on his left wrist when he heard shouting from the left. Looking over he saw an onlooking soldier (the idiot) drawing attention to himself.

   "What the hell are you doing? KILL IT!!"

   Allen sighed, but he returned his focus on the level three Akuma. He pulled on his wrist and his hand and arm glowed brightly as they changed shape. His hand narrowed and formed a handle and hilt. His arm became the blade that went with it. The grip was a pure white cloth that wrapped around the handle. It ended in a gold crown shaped cap. The hilt was a massive piece of gold that encased the bottom of the blade. The blade itself had a large black cross in the center and black edges, contesting heavily with the white metal on the inside.

   Allen took a deep breath, steading himself and shifting into a fighting stance. The level three had not moved, instead choosing to study him with sickening curiosity. Allen stayed still for a brief moment. The three was unmoving. Allen took the first move.

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