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0.3 - Dream Girl


"See, this is exactly why I don't watch horror movies." I complained, laying my legs overtop his thighs. "This is the worst movie I have ever seen because it's so cliché. I'm sick and tired of the same story going over and over again. Every movie is just the same, exact thing."

Will stretched his arms out and placed it on the top of the couch. "This one's not that bad." Will said, pointing to the T.V. "But, it does have a factor of stupidity that I find amusing. I mean it's so cliché that it's hilarious. I already know what's going to happen and the movie isn't even halfway done."

"'No stop! Get away from me and put that chainsaw away!'" I shouted, mimicking the way that the girl in the movie was acting towards that chainsaw killer. "Then, I just keep looking straight at the murderer and don't run away like I'm supposed to."

"Perfectly said. It's so annoying that everyone knows what the right thing to do when you're faced with a murderer. It's the most logical thing to do." He said, "Vroom, vroom!" He pretended that he had a chainsaw in his hands, attacking me.

I rolled my eyes and decided to play along. "Ahh!" I screamed in horror, pretending to be cut in half by him but really, we just bursted into laughter. "That was so lame. I'd rather watch the movie then to go through that again and I don't think that was the sound a chainsaw makes. Sounded more like a car to me."

"Since when did you become the chainsaw expert?" He chuckled, "Maybe you're the mass murderer and I'm stuck in a horror movie right now. But, great acting skills. I could see 'actress' in your future! Or maybe even a Grammy!"

"Shut up." I said, playfully shoving him over. "You know I don't want to be an actress. I'd hate having to be in movies or in T.V shows and all that."

I've never liked the idea of being in movies or T.V shows because I didn't want to have to memorize all the lines or be pressured by all the bright lights and paparazzi. I'd never have a break with anything especially with the media and news wanting everything to do with you. Plus, it'll be hard and long to make it big time.

"I do know that you would hate being an actress, but, I actually don't know exactly what you want to be. I don't think we've never had this conversation before." He said, "But, I know that you don't want to be something generic like a doctor or a teacher."

"Really? I thought you once told me you wanted to be a firefighter or a policeman or something." I said, raising an eyebrow, "I could've sworn that you've told me that before.."

"I think I remember." He said, thinking about it for a bit, "You wanted to be a musician! You wanted to be in the musical industry. How could I even forget?"

"See, I knew it was somewhere in the head of yours. So, we did have this conversation before. Maybe not like forced but we've definitely talked about it before." I said, "I don't know why I'm so passionate about it."

"Maybe it has a significance in your life. That's why you like it so much." He suggested, "My dad was a firefighter and my mom was a policewoman. I mean I don't think that my dream just came out of nowhere. I was influenced by the people in my life."

"But, no one in my family has ever touched a musical instrument before." I explained, "Nor has the ability to sing or dance. Music has never been in my life other than the bands that I've listen to."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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