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Hey guys!

If you're here, you've probably watched at least some of Arrow and The Flash on The CW. This book will work as a sort of fan-made next series in the universe. It will include 23 "episodes" that will include villains from the comics, guest heroes and characters, and crossovers and references to Arrow and Flash characters. Before the actual series begins, I'll be releasing snip-it trailers and information about actors and plot lines. Just think of this series as a sort of new TV series.

The series will focus on Hank and Don Hall, the original Hawk and Dove, as they use their exceptional powers to defend Midway City. The plot of season one will feature villains such as KGBeast, the Gambler, the Hunter, and D'Khan, the main villain for season one. I will be releasing information about which actors will be portraying the characters.

I hope you're as excited about the series as I am.

See you in Midway City,

Hawk and Dove (Season One) - A CW's Flarrowverse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now