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I need to text Paige I've give her space because of all the stuff that's happened with Circe

Evan: hey princess are you okay X
Paige: hey I'm good thanks X
Evan: meet in our spot if you up for it babe x
Paige: yeah sure I'll see you some baby X

30 minutes later

I'm up our hill looking out on the city it's so quiet and cold it's beautiful I can breath out here then arms go around my face covering my eyes
"You have three guesses " the voice says
"Okay "I laugh
"I'm small " the voice says
"A hobbit ?" I say laughing
"No I have brown hair " she voice says
"Hmmm I wonder " I say
" and I love you " she voice say
"I love you too Paige " she pulls her hands off my face and pulls me back my head is sitting on her lap and I'm looking at her and she's gorgeous and she messes me up and I just look at her and I kiss her lips and I pull back and look at her she's just


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