Chapter 9

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Carllyn's P.O.V 

No world! Ugh I don't like life... I sit up in bed and look around the dark room. My eyes find the alarm clock and I see it's 3 a.m. why am I up? Jace is still asleep. My eyes are wide awake and I don't feel a drop of tiredness. I didn't even dream last night or tonight or whatever. Ugh and  it's my sister's birthday today. Fridays are always the worst days to have birthdays. I soon fall back asleep and stay in a dreamless sleep. 

When I wake up for the second time it's actually a normal time. My alarm sounds and I just let it. It's pretty late already in all honesty. Jace hasn't cried yet so I turn the alarm off and get up to check on him. When I look own at the crib his eyes are wide awake too. He sees me and smiles. He's already awake, wow. I smile back down at my child and pick him up. I cradled him in my arms while I talk to him in a baby voice.

"What are you doing awake?" I run around the bedroom with him still in my arms looking for my phone. 

"Now, where did mommy leave her phone..."

I find it intertwined in my blankets. I take Jace with me to the living room where I sit him in his baby swing and feed him his bottle as I look for something to eat in the kitchen. I can see him from where I'm standing and I always lift my head up from what I'm doing to check up on him. My phone gets a notification and before I check what it is I make sure Jace isn't dead. 

My sister texted me saying she needs some decorations for her party. She's turning 19. I text her back telling her I'll get her the stuff she need and she sends many thank yous. I laugh to my self and grab clothes and my hair stuff. I'm going to go to my parent's house to drop Jace off and then take a quick shower while I can. I'll get ready for her party when I get back from the store. I grab Jace's diaper bag and head out with him in the car seat. I put him in the back seat and get in the driver's seat. 

When I get to my Parent's house I hand my mom Jace and head up stairs to my old room and bathroom. I lay out all my clothes on the counter right before I hop in the shower. No music today, I have to take a quick shower so I can get back in time to get ready and help set stuff up. No feelings for today either. 

I quickly get out and blow dry my hair. I put on a black t-shirt with white words and a pair of jeans. I leave my hair in it's natural state and head back down stairs. My sister sees me and I smile to her wishing her a happy birthday. I give Jace a small kiss on his forehead while my mom is holing him and leave before it gets too late for me to come back and help out. 

Riker's P.O.V 

I wake up and look out at my dark room. I had a dream about Carllyn. Her and I were hanging out again,  just walking around the park like we used to do while holding hands in the winter. I'm debating posting a picture of me and Jackie on Instagram or even Twitter but I feel like it's too soon. I could just post it with out a caption, let people think what they want to. 

I get up, take a shower and brush my teeth before getting ready for the day. I walk down stairs and get a bite to eat. Ratliff and Ross are in the living room.

"Hey," I say. 

"Hey,look who's alive," Ellington says while throwing me the baseball he was throwing up and catching. 

"Ha-ha," I say when I catch it and then throw it back to him. 

"Mom, Rydel, and Rocky went to the store to get stuff for tomorrow."

I nod and sit down with them on the couch. 

I text Jackie with a simple hey and wait patiently for a respond. She answers back in a couple minutes and I smile to myself. I see Rocky give Ellington a nod and I look up at him. He turns back to face the front of the room and roll my eyes.

"Did mom make anything to eat?"

"She left you some pancaked in the kitchen," Rocky answers. 

"Thanks," I get up and grab the plate of pancakes. 

Tomorrow we celebrate Rydel's birthday which isn't for a couple more months but we wanna have it while it's summer. Mom is probably just out getting some stuff for it. I need some stuff too so I'm tempted to go meet them there and get what I need. I'll meet them there. I call my mom and tell her I'm heading there now and she gives me the directions to get there. 

Carllyn's P.O.V

I get in the store with my purse in hand and my sunglasses on. I look like an actual 21 year old. I head for the party aisle and get different colored streamers. I even grab some silly string to have a little fun with later. I have everything from the party aisle and go towards the baking aisle. When I get there I see a small glimpse of blonde hair that I can recognize anywhere. 

A/N: This is going to be updated later today hopefully!  I'm almost to 1,000 words here lol This is just part of the day and I can't wait to keep writing more LOVE YOU! SMILE- Rosie 

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