Chapter 34

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"I changed my mind! I don't want this! I don't!" Kid screamed, tears running down his face and splashing onto the thick metal handcuffs that he was trapped in.
"I changed my mind! This was my decision! Mine!" He sobbed, his body shaking and convulsing in pain that was almost completely unbearable.
"Leave her alone!" His screams echoed around the huge room, yet nobody even blinked an eye. Kid was trying desperately to break out of his chains, and reach Alice but it seemed almost impossible. She was only half a room away, but he couldn't break free and for once his screams were not being heard.
"You can't take her," He sobbed "she's mine. I take it all back"
The only thing he could see through his blurred vision was Alice, and she was in a chair just like his. Except there were doctors crowded all around her and they were all holding some sort of surgical tool.
"I love her!" Kid screamed.
This caused a reaction, and one of the doctors dropped his tools onto a metal plate, causing a deafening echo that made Kid shut up and swallow his cries.
"You fool." The doctor snarled as he made his way over to Kid, and firmly cupped his chin in his hands, bringing his face up.
"This was your idea, your plan. And now you're changing it because what? Because you're a damn fool who can't shut his heart off once in a while?"
Kid remained silent, as if thinking of what to say. Tears still slipped out of his eyes, and his fists were clenched so tight his knuckles were turning whiter than usual.
"All of the other girls, all of the ruthless killings, and you choose this girl to fall in love with. This mediocre girl with more problems than you could imagine." The doctor shook his head at Kid, and started to walk back to the chair where Alice lay lifeless.
"Wait!" Kid screamed, "You can't do this. I love her, I love her, she's different".
The doctor had picked his knife back up, and was signaling for the other doctors to continue the procedure. He began to speak to Kid in a voice that was so terrifying anyone would have backed out of that conversation.
"20 Girls," He began "there have been 20 girls and you did not speak a word during their procedure. You watched from across the room and showed no sign of emotion. But this girl, why are you suddenly fighting to save her when you have fought this hard to bring her this far?"
"Couldn't you see?" Kid screamed, "Couldn't you see I was trying to lead her away from this? You wouldn't stop! You kept coming in between us! At grandmothers house I fought hard to save her because it was then that i realized that she was different. She's not just a worthless life, she has beauty inside of her."
"Stop! Just stop!" Kid screamed as the doctor payed no attention to him.
"I saved her from Grandma, I saved her at the hotel, I saved her from the hospital staff, and I 'll save her from you!" Kid broke free from his chains and darted across the room, barreling into the doctors and knocking them away from Alice. The needles, and knives flew out of their hands as they fell to the ground and a few jabbed into Kid as he toppled onto the few doctors he had knocked down.
He picked up one of the scalpels and held it to the neck of a very scrawny doctor whose glasses had shattered and broken across his face.
"I'll do it, " He said. "Don't think that I won't."
The doctor he had been speaking to, known as Doctor Romero, picked one of his scalpels back up and held it to Alice's face.

"Beautiful teeth, aren't they?" He said while looking Kid right in the eyes. "I think madam would enjoy these much more than her last set."
"You can't use her, you can't use her body for this." Kid cried.
"Madam-" Kid paused, "Grandma, has lived long enough. We don't need to keep killing people just to keep her alive. She passed on the magic, you know she did. It won't be dead in our family. Please, please just let Alice go."
The scrawny doctor was squirming in Kids grip, but Kid just held the knife tighter to his neck, now drawing blood.

"Let go of her." Kid growled "She's mine, and she's young."

"No." The doctor replied simply, his knife now slipping into her mouth, cutting into the edges.
The room was spinning, and Kid couldn't focus on a thing except getting Alice out of there safe. He couldn't even feel the cold knife in his sweaty hands, or the rapidly increasing pulse of the person locked in his grip.
He couldn't feel the shaking body, or hear the terrible screams as he plunged the scalpel into the doctors neck and ripped it open. He felt nothing, just as he had felt nothing as he had watched all the doctors rip open innocent girls bodies just to take out organs to donate to his ever dying grandmother. His mind was set on getting Alice, and at this point nothing could stop him.
The body fell limp against his lap, and he stood up to shake it off. The other doctors he had knocked over were in a corner of the room, to scared to move.
"I've said it once, and I'll say it again." He growled. "She is MINE!"
There was a blue light that was flickering at the tips of his fingers, and escaping from the palms of his hands. He balled his hands into a fist, and then quickly opened them. Almost as if it was a signal for it to release in its full power.
Blue and white light shot out from his hands and knocked Doctor Romero away from Alice. He hit the wall, and slid down it slowly, the scalpel falling to the ground with a horrifying echoing sound.
The doctors who had been huddled in the corner were out of the room before the blue light had disappeared.

Kid ran over to Alice, and hesitated to touch her just in case the blue light had not yet disappeared from his hands. This had never happened before, but he knew he had it in him. He knew that he had inherited some of the power from his grandma, but he wasn't sure to as what extent.

He grabbed Alice's cold face in his hands, and whispered her name before gently putting it back down and reaching towards her limp hands which were tied up in restraints like he had been. He picked up the keys that had fallen from Doctor Romeros pockets, and began trying to free her. As he did this, a small trickle of blood was dripping onto his arm. He paid no attention to it at first, just assuming that she had been minorly cut. But minutes passed as he was still trying to find the right key to unlock her, and the bleeding had grown worse. It wasn't just dripping onto his sleeve now, there was a puddle of blood that had formed up under the chair she was restrained in.
Panic swept through him, and he dropped the keys. He stood up quickly and began searching Alice's body, trying to find the exit wound. The doctor hadn't specified which body parts or organs he needed for Grandmother, and this worried Kid as he could not find where she was bleeding out of.
He could feel his heart beating, and the room was so silent all he could hear was his increased breaths. This was his fault, he would never stop blaming himself for this. If she was dead then it would be completely his fault and there was nothing he could do about it.
For decades his family had been finding lonely, lost girls and bringing them here to dissect so they could find spare parts for their ever dying elder, whom everyone called Grandmother. Grandmother had power so great that everyone was afraid to let her die, so they began replacing her dying parts with new, young ones. She was over a thousand years old, and was able to change the universe in any way she wanted in a blink of the eye. Everyone feared her, and as long as they fed her and renewed her she vowed to never destroy a thing. Kid had brought over ten girls here in the past five years, but as much as they donated to her, she just kept falling apart. Nothing was working anymore, and Kid now assumed that they were going to use everything that Alice was made of to help her be alive and well. Grandmother did not deserve to live, she had killed so many innocent people just for the hell of it back when she was in her original younger days.

Kid went back to trying to find the right key, and almost instantly the cuffs fell to the ground, and Alice slumped over in the chair. Kid set her straight, and began looking for the wound. He was right, they had wanted a lot from her.
Her shirt was covered entirely in blood, and her stomach was slit from one end to the other.
Kid held her to him, tears forming in his eyes again. He stroked her hair, which had grown quite long now, and wished he hadn't of done this from the start.
She was beautiful, and she had been his. She had fallen in love with him, and he had taken that for granted. No female had ever looked at him the way Alice used to, and now no female ever would again.
He collapsed on the floor with Alice still limp in his arms. She wasn't breathing, and her body had turned cold now. She was the warmest place he had known, and he turned her cold. They had destroyed her while he was still knocked out, and must have transported the body parts to Grandmother already.
His loud sobs ran out through the white room, bouncing off the walls and echoing around him. His screams held such pain and heartbreak that if anyone were still there to hear him, their hearts would have broken too. He held her to his chest and sobbed. If he had just woken up a few minutes earlier maybe it wouldn't have been too late, maybe his love would still be there.
Kid would never stop blaming himself, and he knew that it was entirely his fault from the very beginning.
Alice was fragile when he met her, and very vulnerable. He could tell that there was something different about her, but yet he still began with taking her away. Just like he had taken all of the other girls away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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