Chapter 6

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They had been walking for hours now, and Kid seemed determined to get somewhere, but Alice was not having it. She was growing tired, and feeling weak. There had been no signs to indicate where they were going, and Kid just seemed to lead the way to no where.

Alice stopped abruptly, and made Kid face her.
"You said we would reach somewhere soon, and you said we would be able to find someone to give us a lift." Alice was irritated, and Kid seemed absolutely fine. He wasn't giving up on this.
"Just keep walking Alice, I think I see a road up there anyways. We can wait for a while, and see if anyone will stop. It'll also give us a chance to rest."
Kid was right, they reached a busy road up near the top of the hill they had been stumbling across, and they gave Alice a "i told you so" look.
They sat down on the side in silence for a while, when a lady who looked about twenty-three years old pulled over behind them and rolled down her window. She leaned out of her blue truck, and yelled to them.

"You kids doing okay?''
"Not really. Any chance you could give us a ride?' Kid yelled back. Alice just sat there, hiding her face in her knees from embarrassment.

The lady hollered back a yeah, and told them to hop in. The lady was tough looking, with shiny dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail which really complemented her structured face.
"Come on." Kid pulled Alice up, and they got in the back of the truck.
They had been riding for a while, and Alice noticed that Kid was looking a bit uncertain.
"Whats wrong, Kid?" Alice asked, and he just shook head and turned away from her.
"Hey. Kid." Alice said, a bit firmer this time.
"I'm fine just tired." He replied, sounding irritated. Alice was tired too, they had been riding in the car for an awfully long time and she could feel her eyes drifting shut. She let herself fall asleep on Kid's shoulder.

They awoke in a dark room, and instantly Alice began to panic.
"Kid?" She yelled, her voice catching in her throat due to the rising feeling of anxiety in her stomach.
"Keep it down, Alice. I'm right here. Just hold your arm out." She did as told, and he took her hand into his.
"Where are we, Kid?" Alice asked, some relief was flooding back into her now that she knew Kid was near.
"I'm not sure, I only woke up a few moments before you. I think we were drugged, they must have brought us here for something."
As their eyes adjusted to the light, Alice could see the surroundings.
"We're in a barn, Kid. Look at the texture of the walls. And the floors, they have straw on them."
The door busted open, causing Alice to choke on her breath. They heard heavy thuds of footsteps coming towards them, and Kid squeezed Alice's hand even tighter. But no longer then ten seconds after he did that, Alice was yanked away from him and thrown across the room, still tied to her chair.

"Kid?!" She screamed, as she hit the ground with a thud. She lay there, and waited for Kids response but there wasn't one. All she could hear was scuffling sounds and what seemed like muffled words coming from kid. Then a thud, and the footsteps fading away back towards the door. The door slammed shut, and Alice heard another pair of footsteps coming towards her, slightly lighter this time.
Alice was picked up off the ground, and slung over somebodies shoulder. She had no fight left in her, and the impact of hitting the ground had knocked the wind out of her. She just lay limply across the person, and let them carry her away and outside of the barn.

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