Now You Know How I Feel

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I was at my locker and people vandalize my locker. The wrote a lot of shit on my door. Slut; Whorebag; wish you die; you ruined my life. I couldn't handle it I went to the bathroom and I stay there the whole school day. It's official...I'm no more popular...I'm a sore loser.


( Nikki's Pov )

It was the end of the school day and everyone was walking back home. I tried to walk to the bus but everyone was making fun of me and saying some threats. I ran the other direction and I hid in the gym equipment room. I cried in there, until I heard a noise.

Nikki: hello, who's here?

I got up and walk over to the basketball cart. I pushed it and I see Seth behind it.

Nikki: wh...what are you doing here?

Seth: I'm always here. The moment they leave I sneak at the back and head home. Why you here ?

Nikki: just nothing. ( wipes tears )

Seth: no, you're unpopular now. Well, welcome to the unpopular club. I'm the only person in the club so...

Nikki: tell me, how do you survive this?

Seth: well, it bad at first but I got used to it.

Nikki: really...but how--

Seth: Nikki, I don't know why you're asking me this. Beside Dean, you been bullying since 4th grade, and now you know how I feel.

Nikki: ok then...

I walked back to where I was for the first place. Seth was looking at me and sigh and he felt bad for me and told me everything.

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