Chapter 1

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 Lorraine's POV

"Are you sure about this?" My mother helped me put on my coat, asking me for the hundredth time.

Father looked up from his parchment grinning. I smiled back, we both knew my mother was proud she was just worried for her baby girl. I was the youngest of six and the only female to be born for generations. Our family was part of the oldest Slayer clan in history, most are hunt down or died out nowadays.

My mother looked at me, beaming. "You go make us proud darling." I smirked seeing my old mom back, she was the best. "I won't let you down, mom." I grabbed my duffel bag and nodded to James, my eldest brother, to let him know I was ready. He opened the hatch under the couch and jumped into the mud under the house.

James' POV

I moved out of the way as Rain joined me. It was a full moon tonight and there would be plenty of werewolves out. I grinned, Rain always hated dogs. We moved silently under the village houses, avoiding the King's knights. A twig snapped and a knight stopped in front of us. I looked back at my sister putting a finger to my lips. She nodded.

The knight moved on, walking out of our sight. We kept walking until we reached the edge of our village. In front of us was the jetty where our rowboat was tied. As we climbed into the boat the clouds parted leaving the reflection of the moon on the water. Rain froze. I looked back at her curiously. She turned and looked at me, livid. I grinned, shrugging my shoulders and laid down next to her in the boat. Rain pulled the wool over us and the boat floated down the river.

"I can't believe we are going after werewolves!" She half whispered, half yelled. 

"Be quiet. Someone will hear you."

Suddenly our boat was tipped over and I didn't get a chance to say I told you so.

Nickoli’s POV

            I watched as Noah turned the boat over. We exchanged glances as two slayers came out of the water we backed up as they dragged themselves to the shore. I noticed one kept their head down as my father yelled to them.

“These are our waters, what business do you have sailing them?!”  The larger one snickered and looked up. I took a step back at the sight of his face. A claw mark presented itself on the right side of his face. Just like Adres’s killer.

I watched James stand, he shook with laughter. After looking around he finally spoke.

“What right do you have to claim these lands?” he spat.

            Out of the corner of my eye I saw something silver. I squinted at it and noticed the person holding it was a girl. She winked and seconds later I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. The arrow was tipped silver, deadly to my kind. I howled and fell to my knees, the last thing I saw was her green eyes.

Lorraine’s POV

            I sent my second arrow through the pack leader’s heart. My brother quickly unraveled the sacks as I set our boat upright. I could still feel my heart pounding against my ribs. I just couldn’t believe it, my first kill. I helped James heave the bodies unto the boat and strap muzzels to their faces. I sat behind their heads with a dagger ready if they came back. James waded in the water and pushed the boat the was tied to his waist. I looked back and exaimed his expression on his face. He didn’t seem as excited as I was or as relieved.

            I faced forward again and again trying to see what I did wrong or if I missed something. We got two. And one of them was their leader! I thought maybe I’m over reacting or something. Maybe he is just solemn because of his own beliefs. He always said death is nothing to celebrate, especially a sinners death.

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