Chapter 2

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Nickoli's POV

      I cried over my father's body. Weeping like a little kid, old memories of my true father came to mind.


A young woman picked up her toddler, she was seen running from a pack of wolves. A man jumped down from a near-by-tree and slashes two of the wolves' throats. Jumping on another wolf he cuts off its tail. Hearing yelps behind her, the woman tried to run faster. Swiftly jumping over a log, the baby woke in cries. The wolves refocused on the baby instead of on the wolf slayer. A wolf finally caught up with the woman and lunged in front of her. Stopping suddenly, the woman saw the wolf morph into a man right before her eyes. The wolf-man sniffed the air before speaking.

"Hellooo Clarissa"

"You-yoou cccan't have him," knees weak she tried to stand strong for her child.

"He is my son too, he belongs with his pack and his father."

A long knife was thrust under the wolf's neck.

"Let the boy go and I will let the rest of your pack go..." The slayer looked at the estranged woman. " well as yourself."

The pack began to surround the quarreling three.

"Do you know who you are dealing with?" The wolf spat.

"Your, and this is just a wild guess, the leader of this pack..." The slayer said this with his head cocked slightly. Pointing to the child "...and that is the heir to your precious throne."

The wolf man laughed. Frantically looking around, the woman saw no escape.

"What is your name slayer?"

The slayer was an outcast gypsy, he thought of his sister's husband who was like a brother to him. Straightening up he responded.


Within seconds the pack disappeared as well as their brave leader. The woman exhaled and sat herself on a log nearby.

"Your not a Pasadina are you?" She looked the man up and down.

He replied, chuckling. "No, my name is Noah Slavaski."

"My name is Clarissa. Thank you for saving me and my son." She got up and started to walk back the way she came. He watched as she left with a smile. He knew he would be seeing her soon.


     I closed my eyes trying to shake the image away. My father told me that story of how he and my mother met when I was three and every night after. And because I was half-human I didn't have to change during a full moon and I could eat human food.

     I looked up to find the Pasadina siblings staring down at me. I straightened myself to meet their eyes. I still had tears running down my cheeks but the chains held me from wiping them. The girl looked confused and uncomfortable.

"I think we need to burn the body." The Pasadina girl said simply looking at the ground.

Smirking "You think or you know?" her brother was clearly enjoying this.

     Two boys ran down the ladder and started to clean. One whispered to the other and they all started to fix up the house. The one that killed Andres half picked up, half dragged my father's body through the hole under the couch. I watched in horror as James dropped father's body through the hole. I lunged for him.

 Lorraine's POV

     I watched as the young man in chains lunge for the body. Held back by the restraints he stopped and more tears started to fall. i wasn't used to males showing so much emotion. I handed him my handkerchief but soon realized his hands were still bond behind his back. I slowly extended the hand with the handkerchief toward his face. As the cloth made contact with his cheek his eyes fluttered closed. After wiping both cheeks and eyes I backed up. I hadn't realized that my family stopped their preparations just to watch. My mother poked her head out of the trap in mid-sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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