Football game

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They were finally alone. The whole time at the football game, the two girls had been exchanging looks and touches that were different than usual.

The homecoming game had gone by pretty slowly, but the whole group was having a good time. The friends had come in pairs. Liz had showed up with her sister and Megan had shown up with Julia. Daniela and Sarah were together as always.

But the atmosphere was different tonight. It was cold, and everyone was stupidly wearing shorts and short sleeves to paint their limbs and faces with the school colors; green and black. Towards the end of the game Daniela had finally contrived an excuse to get Sarah closer to her.

"My legs are cold," was all she needed to say before Sarah climbed onto her lap. She hugged Daniela tight and snuggled close to her. "Me too," she mumbled against her neck. Daniela had to fight so hard to keep a dopey grin off her face. The other girls also scooted closer to each other for warmth, so it didn't look suspicious at all when the two best friends were all over each other to stay warm.

"You're Lucky you're tiny enough to sit so comfortably," Daniela said.

"Shut up, Danny," Sarah said with a laugh. Neither of them moved until it was time to go home.

Once the game ended, everybody was slowly leaving which gave Danny enough time to locate her brother Jason to leave. The three of them drove home tired and cold.

They got home and Jason went to his room while the girls looked between Danny's room with one bed and a sleeping bag, or the queen sized guest room bed.

"I didn't make my bed anyways," Daniela said as they sat down on the bigger bed.

Now they were finally alone after a long night. They talked for minutes, and minutes turned into hours, until they were under the covers facing each other, still talking. The girls' faces inched closer between gaps in conversation. Their sleepovers usually ended the same way, but this time felt different. Sarah scooted ever closer, making Daniela's heart beat faster. She was acutely aware of Sarah's breathing, and soon they were close enough to exchange breaths. Usually this was where they both turned away but tonight had a different atmosphere, and their faces were less than an inch away when their legs intertwined. Danny was watching Sarah's big brown eyes and beautiful lips getting closer and slowly closed her eyes when she thought, this must be a dream.

And then...

Daniela bolted upright in bed at the sound of her phone's alarm. It was 7:00, wake up time for school. She groaned and slapped herself in the face for this dream. She slapped herself for enjoying it so much. But she was mostly just disappointed that her dream wasn't anything like the night had actually gone.

In reality, Sarah wanted the whole group to sit by the band so that she could have a look at the guy in the drum line she thought was cute. She did sit in Danny's lap afterwards, but ended up moving because the band was about to perform. And lastly, Sarah didn't even sleep over her house, Liz had volunteered to take her home because she was closer.

Gah, she had to stop tormenting herself! She had to stop thinking about her best friend that way. She couldn't... like her, that would be unacceptable.

Danny chastised  herself in her head while getting ready for school. She showered, dressed, ate breakfast, attempted to fix her curly hair, and then left. Most of her dream had been forgotten until she got to school and got out of her car. As she walked up she started to walk a little faster, so she would have more time to see.... to see her friends! No big deal.

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