stuff to do when ur bored ( funny :) stuff )

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 if u find money put it in yer hand and show it to someone then when they reach 4 it yell no stealing! like Dora the explorer does

go into  a bathroom and start laughing then when u come out look at peoples faces.

put a woopie cushion in a hot tub,when the bubbles r off squeeze it.

take a baggie, fill it with air, close it, then pop it and say who did that?

ask someone to say a random word then laugh at them bcuz they looked stupid.

take a helium filled balloon and let the air go in yer mouth then talk like Fred.

take ur phone and act like ur talking on it then give it to the person next 2u and say here its for u. :)

hide in a box and jump out at people and say who ru?

take a water bottle suck all the air out of it then blow and make noises.

take a pony tail and randomly shoot it everywhere.

wright funny stuff and post it.

jump on a pillow and scream die!

take the lid off of some ketchup and shake it while the lids up.

take a plastic water bottle and poke holes at the bottom with a fishing hook then say want a drink? and water will get everywhere when they tip it up.

when have bad internet go yell at the satellite.

act like ur playing air guitar then ask the people watching u if they want to try.

go to an airport and yell i want fruit snacks!

when ur lost go to the customer service and say call my mom up here and embarrass her.

when u owe ur mom money say can i barrow some money? when she gives u some say there now i don't owe u any money and hand it back to her.

when ur in the mall and u c a stuffed animal (like a crocodile) run and say "ahhhh don't eat me!"

when your carrying a hand bag and a friend grabs it from u,and u dont realise its ur friend you start hitting them and then everyone looks at u and u get embarrassed. then grab the purse and run.

there's a boy in a fake police outfit and hes pretending to shoot, so u yell "omg Im INNOCENT I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!" (with ur hands up)

your arguing with your friend over which is better pink or purple. so u yell out "purple rules." and then a dude comes up to u and says "purple is stupid" and the girl says back but ur wearing purple with an attitude in her voice and then walks away.


hey hope u liked it plz vote and comment.

thank you to all my fand and readers. my story is going up the charts bcuz of u guys!! alll i can say is thank you :) .

***** theres a  nother page ******

stuff to do when ur bored ( funny :) stuff )Where stories live. Discover now